Chapter Four

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The men in white cloaks wave wands over their bodies. Five limp teenagers sprawl on smooth metal beds, leather straps binding them from escaping. Lamps pour abundant light all around the room, blaring everyone's eyesight.

Nick opens his eyes. He is forced to squint because of the lamp's bright illumination. A man in a white lab coat covers his body in blue light as his wand passes over. The man does not notice Nick's eyes boring into him.

How did they get here?

At his feet, there are five screens on the wall. The screens project each anatomy of the teenagers, including Nick's. Blue dots flicker in random places all around their skeletal outlines. To his left and right, Nick can see the rest of his family still unconscious in the beds provided.

"Objectives complete," says a computer woman's voice. "Releasing prisoners momentarily."

In a couple of seconds, the leather straps binding the Nills retract into the bed, and Nick was free for a split second. Should he run? Try to confuse the scientists and escape? Kick-start his family's conscious state so they could team up on them? Too late. Men in black suits enter the room. Nick closes his eyes, pretending to still be asleep. The men practically drag the teenagers out of the room. Nick's man throws him over his shoulder and carries him out. Nick slightly opens his eyes.

The men carry them down a wide hallway surrounded by other men in the same identical suits. As they pass by, the men around the perimeter watch. They make a left turn and a right until they stop at one doorway. The men enter the pitch black room and drop off each Nill. They close the door, leaving only Nick, Jesse, AJ, Danny, and Lucas alone.

Immediately, Nick tends to every cousin and brother, wakening their minds. Once everyone is awake, Nick searches the walls of the room until he finds a switch. He flips it on, and a dusty light bulb shines. In the center of the room, there is a table and five chairs, all reserved for each Nill. They collapse in their seats.

"Where are we?" asks AJ.

"In a secret facility, no doubt. We're prisoners," grumbles Jesse.

"They already examined us," informs Nick, who was the only wake person. "Now they will confront us in person, make us crack. We don't tell them anything."

"Keep your voice down!" hisses Lucas. "They could be listening!"

They looked at the corners of the room. As a matter of fact, two cameras were hooked up in both opposite ends of the room. None of them could share their thoughts without letting the men in black know. Unless...

Don't tell them about our powers. No matter how hard they push, threaten, or bribe. Our powers must remain a secret from the outside world, thinks Nick. In a mental wave, the message is sent to all their minds. Some look at Nick, bewildered. AJ touches his temples, massaging it.

Why not? Jesse thinks, allowing Nick to read it. Nick responds, do you know how much attention we'll cause. If we blow this, they'll dissect us like worms.

Suddenly, the mental connection drops. A man in black opens the door.

"Nick Nill, please come with me."

Nick follows him out of the room. Just before the man closes the door, Nick can see the terrified expressions of his family. He swallows. Show absolutely no emotion.

They turn a right and down a long hallway. Once halfway down, the man opens another door and gestures for Nick to enter. The man closes the door behind him, and takes Nick by the arm slams him in a chair. He grabs handcuffs from his inside pocket and clap them so Nick is trapped in the chair. Great.

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