Chapter Nine

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How could Nick have been that stupid? Such arrogance got to his head, and when the moment came, James had outsmarted him. Nick should've known this fire was not natural coincidence that proved their worthy of superhuman powers. No, nothing can come that easy. The whole disaster was rigged, and Nick was just a piece in the game. James had won.

Although the ice coating his entire body starts to melt in the evening sun, Nick wants to stay frozen for as long as he lives. To carry on, with the glares and curses of the innocent people who were victimized by James's attack, was unbearable to think about. He had failed his allies; he had failed everyone.

Danny tackles him to the ground, phasing Nick out of the ice shell. Nick watches Danny shiver from his own ice experience, however Nick feels only numbness. He wonders if he'll ever be able to get warm again.

"So," Jesse says behind Nick. Nick doesn't bother to look back. "The dynamic duo and the drunk have some tricks up their sleeve, don't they?"

Nick does not say anything. AJ plops on the sand next to Danny.

"Yeah, s-some trick," AJ shakes. He lies on the earth to get warm.

"Where are the people?" Nick asks Danny.

"I freed them," Danny says. "They're confused and tired, but they'll be okay."

"What about the fire?" Nick looks over to the place where the fire licked the buildings and blockaded the beach. All that remains is charred buldings, scorched ground, and glowing embers. Debris slowly settle to the ground.

"The fire department doused the flames, and..." Danny socked AJ in the stomach. They are not telling Nick something. Something drastic.

Blades slice in the afternoon air miles above the beach, and they can see two newscasting helicopters soaring to the scene. Curious beachgoers crowd around the four Nills. They whisper and point at Nick. Nick's heart lunges in his throat.

"That's him."

"He tried to freeze me to death..."

"I swear, I had frostbite."

"He is nothing but trouble."

Nick closes his eyes. In the world around him, the picture spins uncontrollably. If he could see himself, Nick would think he was a ghost. Blood drains from his face, and sweat replaces it.  Nick can barely swallow down his uprising breakfast now burning in his esaphogus.

"Hey, you freaks are not wanted here!" yells a courageous man.

"James should've been here. He would know what to do," implies another.

The beachgoers agree. They shout rude curses and spit at their feet. What has Nick done. Nick feels Jesse's tough hand clamp on his  shoulder. Jesse drags him out of fire from the people. Nick hears the click of cameras capturing Nick's pathetic image as he is hauled away.

No more, Nick thinks.

Jesse tightens his grip. Suddenly, the whole group is spiraled into the familiar black hole for a split second and then reappear miles away.

Nick can no longer hear shouts, just the tumbling waves crashing onto the shore. He opens his eyes.

It's the lighthouse he saw on the first night, where his adventure began. It looks abandoned and unfinished. Rings of wood circle around the base of the lighthouse, leaving patches wide open. Caution tape blocks any public entrance, yet the light blares at night as though a timer is set.

 No one has to say it, but this will be their home, thanks to Nicholas's attempt to save the citizens of Ft Lauderdale from James, who will now be known as the idolized hero of humanity.

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