Chapter Seven

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Nick awakes from his restless slumber to loud wail. His eyes dart across his hotel room. His brothers, Jesse and AJ, and his cousin, Danny, are fast asleep. He almost forgot that only a few hours ago, he and his family escaped a facility full of men who are hungry for the contents of the mysterious asteroid. But enough about that, there is a siren blaring just outside their hotel window.

It's the police.

They've found them!

Immediately, Nick kickstarts each boy in the room. Jesse, Danny, and AJ groggily sit up, unaware of the commotion.

"What's going--"

"No time to explain," Nick says. "We have to go."

The hotel is crawling with policemen, talking to witnesses or interviewing their relatives. As the beat-up teenagers exit the lobby, they find a wreck of police cars swarming the perimeter of the Sea Plaza Hotel. The sirens have finally stopped, though the lights continue to flash in the morning air. Nick, Jesse, and AJ see their mother chat with a police man. She is still in her pajamas, though her eyes are red with lack of sleep.

To control his mind more efficiently, Nick holds his fingers to his temple, and penetrates the minds of the cops.

There is no business here, he states telepathically. You can leave now.

As if on cue, the police return to their assigned car and drive away as fast as possible, leaving the worried Nills flabbergasted. Nick's mother turns on the four of them. As she storms over, the rest of the Nills follow her into one mob.


While they shout their worries, Nick puts his family on pause. They stands there, eyes narrowed to slits, eyebrows furrowed, and teeth clenched, though they dont move.

Nick does the same routine, and puts his two fingers to his skull and speaks aloud.

"You will now have no recollection of me, Jesse, Danny, AJ, James, Tommy, or Lucas. Carry on with your lives," recites Nick.

A switch went off in their brains, and the Nills walked back into the hotel to their rooms, disregarding the four new children.

AJ shouts, "What did you do?"

"It won't be permanent," Nick says. "With James running around with the twins, I didn't want them to get involved now."

"Then what are we gonna do now?" Jesse hisses.

Nick sighs. "I'll explain later."



The three brothers and cousin cautiously glide in the sand, searching the horizons for any stalking men in black suits. But they don't have to worry, James wiped them out on his rampage. Though being careful never hurt anyone.

They stop at the banks of the ocean. The tranquil waves put Nick's mind on ease, but there is no time for relaxing. They are here for a reason.

"The last time we were here," Jesse remarks. "We were kidnapped by strangers. What makes you think we should practice our powers in the open again?"

"I actually agree with Jesse for once," adds Danny.

"No one will be looking for us," says Nick.


And so they set to work. Since the Nills will be returning to New York (for Danny, California) in less than a week, the four teens will prepare for the worst if James decides to interfere. But how is the difficult part.

The Asteroid BoysWhere stories live. Discover now