Chapter Five

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A nineteen year old with telepathy and telekinesis. A sixteen year old controlling his power to teleport. A fifteen year old that can freeze anything in his touch. A fourteen year old possessing total assassin skills. And a skin-changing ten year old.

Although only amateurs at their talents, they plan to escape a facility full of highly trained agents. 

What could go wrong?


"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Nick asked again.

"Yes," shouted Danny, nearly shaking with excitement. "You've told me a million times."

"Say it back to me."

Danny sighed. "Find as much information as I can about the asteroid. Don't try to get noticed. Stay invisible as long as there is no one around me. And for god's sake, do not disarm any of the men. Okay? Let me go now."

"Fine, but be careful." Too late. Danny dissolved through the wall, no recollections left.

"Are you sure you can trust him?" Jesse mutters. "He could blow this up in our faces."

"He's our only chance we have," confirms Nick. Concentrating as much as he can, Nick attempts to enter Danny's mind.


 Danny saw them, swarming in and out of rooms in the building, all matching the same black suits, sunglasses, and earpieces. It was hard enough to stay invisible, but avoiding every burly man was impossible. Therefore, Danny had to stick to the ceiling (no, literally). 

Danny crawled as quiet as he could on the ceiling's smooth surface. It was silent, except for the pounding of footsteps. He had no idea where he should start. If this building had a lobby, than maybe he can choose a floor to search. 

Wait! shouts a voice inside his head. It's Nick.

This is the second time you've entered my mind. Stop! Danny thinks back for Nick to read it. By now, Danny is used to the awkward feeling, yet it is annoying having your privacy invaded.

Nick sends another mental message, We were examined on the same floor, so start looking through there.

Thanks for the tip, Danny thinks. He drops from the ceiling, still invisible, and runs swiftly to a closed door. He phases through it, and finds the surveillance room. 

Dozens of televisions screens align one wall of the room, together taping the entire room in which the five heroes are held. Two other men stare at the screens, intently watching the rest of the teens. 

Hey, Nick, I can see you on this thing, thinks Danny. 

We must've missed a few cameras, replies Nick in Danny's brain.

Danny changes to his visible state. 

Danny wait, you can't!

I have to, or else they'll see me gone!

"Wait, wait!" One of the men nudges the other. He twitches his finger as he counts the number of Nills. "There is one missing." The other man finally realizes it. 

"We have to raise the alarm now."

"Hello!" Danny exclaims.

 The men whirl around. They gaze as Danny as though he is a ghost. The man on Danny's right tries to slowly reach his gun holster, hoping Danny couldn't see. 

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