Chapter 2

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'You were...bitten in half by the giant monsters...' Jean replied hesitantly, blushing slightly. 'Sorry, I can't control my dreams...' "It's okay they are nightmares after all." Marco replied with a sip of his tea as he finished the last of his fluffy pancakes.

'Any more questions?' Jean murmured, avoiding that thought. 'You know, I wasn't expecting such...tame questions.' He chuckled, watching him.

"Okay then when was the last time you wet the bed?" Marco asked with a raised eyebrow.

'Three months ago.' Jean replied, chewing on his lip. 'I had a wet dream.' He blushed and swung his legs. 'It was...a bit...raunchy, and I guess I'm not used to that.' He shrugged. Marco laughed,"who was it about?" He asked curiously in between laughs.

Jean paused and looked away. ' was old friend of mine. I was close to them I guess, and I...wasn't expecting to have that sort of dream about them.' "What was their name?" Marco asked as he casually sipped his tea.

Jean grimaced and closed his eyes, swallowing nervously. 'You really wanna know?' He murmured, gripping the table edge in a right grip. 'It was about my old friend, Sam.' He kept his gaze away. "Okay then. So are we still gonna have movie night on Sunday even though I'm sick?" Marco asked seeming unfazed.

'Are you kidding?! Of course we are!! It's one of the best things to do when you're ill!!' Jean grinned, ruffling his hair, glad to be off of the subject.

"Really? That's great but it looks like you gotta choose the movie yourself since I can't even stand on my own." Marco replied

'You don't fancy a nice piggyback around the library?' Jean pursed his lips and raised an eyebrow. 'That's a genuine offer by the way...and I'm serious about the questions thing. I'll be as truthful as I can for the whole day, and my reward for not forfeiting and answers is for you to tell me your secret.' "Why are you so determined to know my secret." Marco whined obviously still embarrassed about the thought of telling Jean.

'Because I'm an insanely nosey idiot.' Jean sighed, giving him a small sad smile. 'And I don't like people keeping things from me...I just...can't stand it...' He whispered, his gaze on the floor. "Well I guess If you do manage to win the bet then I'll tell you but I'm not sure it'd be worth telling me all of this." Marco replied with his eyes glued to the empty plate and cup on the table.

'Fine. If I win, you have to tell me your secret, as well as let me ask some questions too. Deal?' Jean tilted his head to the side, reaching over to squeeze his shoulder. "How could you torture a sick man." Marco groaned as he tilted his head back.

'Don't you guilt trip me, Marcy.' Jean chuckled and began stroking his hair. 'I'll make sure the questions are nice and gentle ones, okay?' "Okay." Marco said as he felt warm fingers brush through his scalp. "But if you laugh I swear I'll make you pay." He added as he playfully punched Jean's shoulder.

'I would never laugh at you, Marcy.' Jean said softly and seriously, continuing to play with his hair. 'You have unnaturally soft hair...jeez, it's like a chick's hair.' He smiled. "Maybe I'm secretly a girl you never know what could happen." Marco said shrugging as a dopey smile found a way onto his face.

Jean looked up and down his body. 'Hmm...nope. I'm pretty sure that you're a guy. I've seen far too much of you to think that.' He pursed his lips and then grinned. 'You look so happy...' He murmured, running his fingers through his hair. "Well I've got the worlds best doctor taking care of me." Marco replied smiling up at him "You even decided to blow of work for me." He said in a high pitched voice as he tried imitating a girl.

'Oh, darling, I am all about being a gentleman and looking after the damsel in distress.' Jean said camply, putting a hand on his hip and then laughing. 'The worlds best doctor huh? I am so flattered.' He smiled, unable to stop stroking and running his fingers through his soft hair. "But honey you ARE the best doctor in the world." Marco replied in his high pitched voice again as he blew a kiss at Jean.

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