Chapter 4

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'I-I said forget it...I'm sorry...' Jean murmured sadly, his body shaking slightly. 'I didn't mean's're the only one who's been here for me, and I guess that I've grown attached to you...' "Jean, you promised you'd be honest with any question I ask you." Marco reminded him as he gripped him tight.

Jean's breath hitched into his throat and he blushed embarrassedly. 'Yes...I do...but I don't want to make you think that you have to like me back or anything, cause you're don't...' He sighed. Marco slowly pulled back from the hug to stare into Jeans yellow eyes. "Jean, do you love me?" He asked seriously.

'Marco...I...can't say that I LOVE you yet...but I do...fancy you and I am attracted to you...but love is a very strong word...' Jean blushed and looked up into his brown eyes with dark cheeks. 'But I do think that I could FALL in love with you...' Marco blushed and averted his gaze,"I've loved you for a long time Jean. If I wasn't sick I'd kiss you." Marco replied as he felt his embarrassment causing his blush to turn deeper.

'W-What?!'re straight...?' Jean meant for it to come out as a statement, but his shock turned it into a very high pitched question. 'But...Marco...why didn't you TELL me?! It would have made my life so much easier!' He murmured, gripping the front of his shirt tightly, excited by the idea of him feeling the same way.

"Were roommates, Jean. I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable around me, especially when you love Mikasa." Marco whispered shyly.

Jean grinned and his eyes lit up. 'You just assumed that I was talking about Mikasa when I was talking about my perfect partner.' He shrugged and wrapped his arms around his neck. 'Sure, she's lovely and I did fancy her, but recently...with my sexuality changing...I began to'

"This doesn't feel real at all, I didn't think you'd like me back." Marco muttered.

Jean pursed his lips and averted his gaze, reaching up to stroke his soft hair. 'I thought that I'd made it kind of obvious...with stroking your hair all of the time and just...being really close...I just...I secretly wanted you to like me back...' He blushed. "I guess I'm just really oblivious." Marco replied with a chuckle as he kissed Jean's cheek.

Jean jumped and bit his lip, his eyes widening. ' too...since you liked me back...' He slowly leant up, moving until their faces were only a couple of inches apart, their noses just about touching. "Aren't you gonna become sick?" Marco whispered as he felt Jean's face move closer to his lips.

'I've had shots against diseases so I can perform my duties as a doctor but...even if I hadn''re worth getting sick.' Jean whispered as he leant forward and pressed their lips together, kissing him hard. Marco gently wrapped his arms around Jean's waist as he felt him tangle his fingers into his soft brown locks.

Jean opened his mouth and deepened the kiss, leaning over further. 'Marco...' He whispered in a small moan against his lips. slipping his tongue past his lip he tried parting Marco's mouth wider and his eyes squeezed shut. Marco let out a shaky moan as he trailed his hands down Jean's back;fingers ghosting down his spine.

Jean shuddered as a shiver went down his spine, his blush deepening. He slowly pulled away slightly, their noses still touching. 'Marcy...that was...' He bit his lip as he forced himself not to kiss him again. 'You are an amazing kisser...' He added quietly, stroking his cheek and looking into his eyes adoringly. "Me? You're greatest." Marco smiled as he touched his forehead with Jean's.

Jean blushed and grimaced slightly as the urges to kiss him again got stronger. 'T-Thanks but...we'll just have to agree to disagree...' He kissed him again lightly, unable to help himself. ' kissable...' He growled. Marco blushed when he felt Jean kiss him again and he pressed his body against his as he reached up to caress Jean's cheek.

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