♕️Scattered Across The World Chapter Sixteen♕️

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[·James POV·]

"Honey wake up." I heard Valerie said as she slapped my face a little.

"Valerie." I said waking up.

"Yes sweetie pie?" Valerie asked.

"Why are their chains around me connecting me to a tree?" I asked.

"So you wont run away pumpkin." Valerie answered sweetly

"Since when do you called me sweetie pie?" I asked.

"I always called you sweetie pie." She answered.

I then noticed something different about her.

Hey eyes.

They weren't they shiny blue ocean eyes of loved, but instead they where red.

"Valerie, why are you eyes red?" I asked Valerie.

"There not red, remember their blue, you said you loved my blue eyes, right?" Valerie said.

"I do but why are they red?" I asked.

"James! This isn't me I don't know what is happening or why my eyes are red, but whatever I'm about to say do not believe a word!" Valerie warned me as the eyes turned blue and then back to red.

"Oh honey bear..." Valerie said with a crazy look in her eyes.

"Valerie let go of me!" I said.

"Shh... shh... baby this will all be over if you stand still and let me get the blood." Valerie said as she rubbed a knife against my arm.

"Val-AGH!" I said as she stabbed me in the arm.

"God all I did was stab you in the arm." Valerie said

"Oh is that all!" I said sarcastically.

"Valerie this isn't you. This crazy, gushy, stabbing-phyico! Isn't you!" I said

"This is me you just never took the any god damn time to notice!" Valerie shot back as she removed the knife from my arm.

"Really cause the Valerie I know wouldn't chain me up to a tree, stab me in the arm, and has crazy red eyes! Never in a million years would you do this! So Valerie in conclusion what I'm trying to day is that this, all of this! Isn't you!" I explained as Valerie smiled.

"What... the... heck did I do to you?" Valerie asked as her eyes went back to normal.

"It's okay... I'm fine Valerie." I answered as the chains came off.

"I didn't want to hurt you James I'm sorry." Valerie said as I hugged her.

"James thank you." Valerie said.

"Your welcome, Valerie." I said as I kissed her forehead.

With Rose...


"Hahahaha it's loves true words." Ella said between laughs.

"Say what now?" I asked

"Its like this my girl, if they can turn the girls you aren't getting danganronpia." Luna explained eating a ruby.

"Unexceptionable! I will have danganronpia!" I said pouring more of the bloodlust on the other stones.

[·Ryan's POV·]

"Lizzie why the heck am I attached to a cloud!?" I asked/yelled.

"Cause I want you to be nailed to a freaking cloud! God damn!" Lizzie yelled floating on a different cloud.

"Lizzie unhand me!" I said.

"No! Now stay still so I can get your blood!" Lizzie yelled.

"Why are you acting so rude?" I asked.

"Cause I can! Man I forgot how chatty you where!" Lizzie said as she swiped the knife across my hand.

"Wow no wonder Rose wants this blood, it taste amazing!" Lizzie said licking some of blood off of the knife.

"You're disgusting!" I said in disgust.

"Oh am I? Didn't you fall in love with me!? If I'm correct you got all jealous when you found out Nathan liked me too? In fact... " Lizzie said smirking.

"Your not..." I said.

"Oh I will.... oh Nathan!" Lizzie said as Nathan came out.

"Oh hey Ryan!" Nathan said as I growled.

"Oh little demon getting jealous? Well its gonna get a lot worse!" Lizzie said smirking.

"Get away from her!!" I yelled as Nathan looked at me devilishly.

"Now Ryan don't get carried away, I can see why you like Lizzie she really is beautiful." Nathan said kissing Lizzie.

"Stay... away... from Lizzie she's mine!" I said tugging on the chains.

"I've been waiting for a long time to kiss Lizzie." Nathan said as I felt the chains melting away.

"AGHHHH!!!" I yelled as I punched Nathan in the face.

"Never touch Lizzie again... cause I will kill you can cut you up into little pieces and send those pieces to your family!" I threatened as I saw Lizzie collapse.

"Lizzie!" I said grabbing her before she could hit the floor.

"What happened and why dose Nathan look almost dead?"

"Its a long story. I'm just glad your back." I said as I kissed her cheek.

To be continued in chapter 17

Scattered Across The World {Book 1} Where stories live. Discover now