twentysix// jennie

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After you took your shower and put your new clean clothes on, you walked out of the bathroom and felt a small pain in your stomach. You thought you were just having a normal stomach ache and decided to ignored it.

You walked to the living room and saw Jungkook watching IU while eating his chips. He was smiling very widely whenever IU did something cute.

You just ignored him and headed to the kitchen. You opened the refrigerator to find something to eat and saw nothing.

You pouted and walked to Jungkook. You kicked his leg and waited for him to look at you.

"Why'd you kick me?" He asked.

"Because we need to go and help that bitch." You responded.

"Alright." He got up from the couch and the both of y'all walked out of the house.

You were about to open his car door, until he opened it for you.

You got inside and smiled at him, "Thanks."

"Anytime." He said giving you a wink. He closed the door and quickly ran over the driver's side.

He opened the door and got in. He put on his seatbelt and started the engine. You quickly put on your seatbelt and took a deep breath.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

You nodded your head a little, "Of course."

"Alright lets go." He said as he pushed the gas pedal.

Namjoon and Jin quickly ran as fast as they can to get away from a group of security men. When they got far, Jin's legs gave up on him and he dropped onto the ground.

"My goodness! This was the first time I ever ran for a stupid reason!" Jin complained.

He lifted up the hem of his pant and gasped when he saw himself bleeding when he ran into a sharp thing earlier.


Namjoon just gave him a 'wth' look and rolled his eyes, "It's just a little scratch." He stated.

Jin scoffed, "A little scratch? If my leg is bleeding, then that means I AM DYING!"

"You're barley bleeding though!"

"So! I'm still bleeding!" He whined.

"Who cares, what matters is that we got away from those guys. Who were they anyways? Why the heck were they following us?" Namjoon questioned.

"How the hell am I supposed to know?! Don't ask me!"

"It was a rhetorical question.."

"Just help me up and take me the hospital!" Jin demanded.

Namjoon instantly helped Jin up and was about to walk away until Jin pulled him back.

"I said bring me the hospital."

"Why? You're barley bleeding."

"I don't care, just take me home then if you think my leg is fine."

"Cause it is."

all for nothing ➳ j.jkWhere stories live. Discover now