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⋮chapter four: off with his head.

WEEKENDS WERE OFTEN SPENT out with members of the golden circle. It was like an unspoken rule in Kingston that your friends were your family, and their actions became your actions. Which meant food shopping at nine o'clock on a Monday night in Adidas flip-flops and oversized grey jumpers.

"Oh em gee, they have the quinoa muesli bars on sale!"

Just because Khloé and the glorious golden circle were cashed up to the max certainly did not meant they'd let a sale slide by. These girls were like trained sniffer-dogs on the hunt for the best bargain, and they didn't let anyone get in the way.

Khloé sighed at the girl, Bianca, who was excitedly loading up her trolley with over forty packets of muesli bars and instead loaded her own trolley up with assorted Cheerios boxes, milk chocolate bars, Minties packets, Kit Kat chocolates and anything else she wanted. Elysha also threw in six jars of Nutella and eleven tubes of Pringles.

What many members of the golden circle still didn't understand was that just because they were at the top of the food chain, didn't mean they were required to have 'perfect' diets and had to miss out on a shit-tonne of unnecessary calories. It all got burnt off at the gym anyway, as Khloé and Elysha had discovered many years earlier.

Plus they got some kick-ass abs out of it, too.

Khloé turned her trolley in the direction of the cookie aisle and casually strolled down it. She threw in assorted Arnott's packets and whatnot, taking her time as she knew ─ from experience, mind you ─ that her girls weren't going to be finished for another two hours, at least. Khloé spotted a box of veggie chips hiding away at the top of the shelf and reached for it with all her might.

Unfortunately, without her six-inch Louboutins Khloé was a meagre five-foot-four and physics was not her strongest subject. Just as she was about to give up, a jumper-covered arm stretched over her head and grabbed the box off the shelf. Khloé swivelled around and almost fell over in shock.

"You," she spluttered.

Jacob Tinsley rolled his eyes. "Yes, me. We need to talk."

Khloé picked her jaw up from the ground and pulled her face into one of stoicalness and complete distrust. "And why should I talk to you?" she spat.

"Because you got me into this stupid mess, and now you're going to get me out of it."

"But, I didn't ─"

"Oh, save your lies for your pretty little posse over there," the dark-haired figure scowled. "I already know it was you who leaked those videos, and I have proof so don't bother trying to deny it."

At this point, the dear Queen was fighting hard to keep her fists at bay while her brain worked overtime at the thought of someone dobbing on her. Backstabbing was not a nice thing to be a victim of ─ but then again, Karma's a bitch. To Jacob, she said "Alright, it was me, and I'm proud of it."

The former king seemed surprised at how easily she admitted to her crime, but Khloé wasn't finished yet. "But I only did it because you are a disgusting pig who deserved to be brought down and I hope that everyone now sees you for who you really are!"

Jacob's eyes grew dangerously darker. "And what's that?"

In the background, Khloé spotted Elysha and the five other girls of the golden circle watching the conflicting pair's every move. Khloé raised her chin in a display of what she hoped was confidence. She was their Queen; she always gave them a good show, and she was not about to disappoint. Not when the disgraced, corrupted former King was standing in front of her, waiting for his sentence.

"A revolting, pot-smoking, selfish piece-of-shit."

Off with his head.

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