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⋮epilogue: Khloé.

     KHLOÉ CAPPELLI HADN'T CHANGED much on the outside. She was still just as tanned, just as fashionable and just as stunning as Jacob had remembered her being at graduation seven long years ago. But, as he quickly realised, she was a whole different person on the inside.

The Khloé he used to know ─ the Khloé she used to be ─ only cared about the social hierarchy of Kingston High, her public image and having all the power in the world, including his. The Khloé he used to know thought the world revolved around her. The Khloé he used to know wore six-inch Louboutins, designer logos and put supermodels to shame on a daily basis.

Okay, so she still wore Louboutins, designer logos and put supermodels to shame, but Jacob certainly wasn't complaining. At least she didn't show it off as much anymore. No, she had turned over a new leaf ─ heck, a she had turned over a whole new tree.

And that tree had started from a small seed with the name of Queenstown Prep ─ yes, Khloé built her own goddamn school.

"But this school will be different," she had declared. "There will be no hierarchy or social system, there will be no bullying or body shaming, and there will certainly be no golden circle. There will just be normal, everyday kids learning how to make the most of life."

It was an incredibly selfless thing to do, and it certainly took up a lot of time, energy and money. But when it was finally complete, with Elysha King's name scrawled onto the giant shiny plaque adorning the maths and science block, no amount of money could've bought a smile brighter than the one Khloé wore.

And the King could not have have asked for a better Queen to rule their kingdom with.

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