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⋮chapter seven: maybe one day I will.

     THE NEXT MORNING WAS hell for Khloé. She had a pounding headache and a scratchy throat, but it was Wednesday and the Queen could no longer afford to miss school. She rolled out of bed at six o'clock, went for a run, showered, dressed and appeared seemingly bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for class at eight o'clock sharp.

Elysha was nowhere in sight, nor was Jacob ─ he'd been suspended for smoking drugs on school property, of course, but Khloé was sure he was due to come back soon. She wasn't dreading it as much as she should have been. The remaining female half of the golden circle ─ Bianca, Sasha, Olivia and Teagan ─ also threw sickies, as did a few of the guys.

So Khloé was surprised when the host himself, Liam, appeared besides her during her morning hallway walk. "I'm surprised you showed up," Khloé muttered, twisting the combination on her locker.

"I never miss school," Liam said smoothly. "And I'm beginning to think that you don't either, your majesty." Never? Not many people in Kingston would admit to that, but Liam seemed almost proud of himself.

Khloé took a good look at the dark-haired boy. He was tall, easily six foot, and had dark brown eyes that didn't give much away. He had a bright smile which contrasted against his tan, and he was built in a way that only years of football could give. The only other thing that Khloé really knew about him was that he'd know Jacob for years, and he was one of the nicest members of the golden circle.

Khloé sighs and grabs her English book. "It's not like I have much choice. One day away from this shithole and all hell would break loose, you know."

Liam made a noncommittal noise just as the shrill bell sounded. They both winced, having drunk their fair share of alcohol last night, and Khloé slammed her locker door shut with a satisfying thunk. "Come on then," she nodded at Liam. "Let's go show these minions how it's done."

     ALL MEMBERS OF THE group were, thankfully, sitting in their dedicated seats by lunchtime the next day and Khloé sighed in relief when she spotted Elysha. "Thank God you're here. Chemistry is kicking my ass and I need your brain desperately."

Elysha smiled half-heartedly and pushed a sandwich towards Khloé. "I'd give you my notes but I didn't really pay much attention because of this stupid headache, and here, I got you this."

Khloé noted that her best friend looked tired, but she dismissed the thought as she had been quite hungover from the party, and smiled thankfully. "You know, old McGinty isn't so bad since we finished exams. He actually told me that my English narrative was good. Could you imagine?"

Liam grimaced from across the table. "Well, he told me mine was a piece of crap that didn't even deserve to be eaten by a dog."

Bianca guffawed loudly and for a few moments her shrill laughter was bouncing off Khloé's earbuds in a rather painful way. Khloé wondered how long it took her to practice it. "Oh no, Liam, don't listen to that old hag. You're much smarter than he is!" Bianca gushed. Khloé almost gagged on her sandwich.

Liam just rolled his eyes. "So, are you going to be a writer one day then, genius?" he asked Khloé teasingly.

"Maybe," she smirked. "But if I did, it won't be about cliché bullshit. I'd write something dark and worthwhile ─ maybe a troubled girl, or something. And Elysha can be my front cover model, because she's too damn photogenic," Khloé laughed at her friend.

Elysha shrugged and smiled softly. "Yeah, maybe one day I will."

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