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⋮chapter two: long live the queen.

KINGSTON HIGH DIDN'T KNOW what had just hit it. Just two days ago ─ just two ─ all was happy and well in the Kingdom. The King himself had just gotten into the college of his dreams, the football team had beaten very stiff competition at states and the school was buzzing.

But that Friday afternoon was destined for a bombshell, and it came in the form of a very confidential video. And at the hands of a stunningly dangerous leader, said video was, inevitably, leaked.

The efficient rumour mill worked its magic and by lunchtime, everyone knew about it. The King was the most enraged anyone had ever seen him, and no wonder why. He sped off in a cloud of anger and petrol as soon as it was aired. But the best bit was yet to come.

By the end of the day, the great leader was deemed overthrown by his Kingdom and officially de-crowned. That left, of course, his second-in-line to rule the land known as Kingston High and she became the owner of the most sought-after position in all of its glorious, golden hierarchy.

The King is dead, long live the Queen.

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