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⋮chapter five: sea-foam blue.

     KHLOÉ'S FAVOURITE COLOUR USED to be stormy, sea-foam blue. A long, long time ago she used to stare into those coloured eyes with admiration, envy, and maybe even love. But now, as Jacob Tinsley glared down at her in the middle of the shopping aisle, all Khloé felt was contempt.

That stormy, sea-foam blue had just turned into a full-on cyclone.

"You bitch," Jacob hissed. Khloé tilted her chin, expecting the ashamed ex-King to at least slap or shove her ─ that's what Khloé would have done if she were in his position, she was sure. But Jacob did neither and instead the golden circle watched as he hightailed it out of the store.

A still silence settled over the group.

Khloé threw the box of veggie chips back onto the shelf with a little more force than necessary and turned to her group, who was staring at her with wide eyes. "I think it's time to go," she murmured, pushing her trolley to get it moving.

     KINGSTON'S HALLWAYS CERTAINLY FELT odd without Jacob, although she'd never admit it. Where there was Jacob, there was a safety net. If Khloé was caught in a social situation that she couldn't solve, Jacob was right there by her side fixing it. His Tuesday-morning speeches were always motivating and, well, interesting, but Khloé could never imitate his words no matter how hard she tried. She even felt odd sitting with the golden circle.

The twelve of them had been together since elementary school. All rich, fashionable and pretty damn powerful. Jacob had been like the glue: he was friends with everyone, he always knew just what to say to make someone feel better and conversations were never awkward between the group.

But now, as Khloé sat down in their secluded corner booth where the ten remaining members sat, an uncomfortable silence fell over the golden circle. Something quite unheard of for the infamous socialites. Twenty eyeballs were trained on her and Khloé was sure she saw a tinge of anger, or at least annoyance, in more than a few.

She pulled her lips into a half-smirk as she caught sight of the dark-haired boy sitting across from her. The same boy who'd helped overthrow the King himself. "So, Liam, who's going to your party tonight?"

He smirked back.

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