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⋮chapter ten: more than just a pretty face.


On the twenty-eighth of October, one month after being hit, the doctors declared Elysha's brain damaged beyond repair and Khloé had been reduced to a sobbing mess. She had lost her best friend; the girl who went health-food shopping with her only to buy junk food, the girl who'd stood by her side for years and ignored all the bullshit thrown at her feet, and the girl who was so much more than just another pretty face.

As Khloé stood in front of her mirror, she barely recognised herself. She had bought the tight black dress and black heeled Louboutins for old time's sake, but all she wanted to do was crawl into her bed and forget everything that had happened.

"Are you ready?"

Liam and Jacob stood side-by-side in Khloé's bedroom doorway. They both looked shockingly handsome in black tuxedos with a purple rose tucked into each pocket ─ Elysha's favourite colour. Khloé smiled sadly. Elysha would've loved to have seen these boys all dressed up.

It was weird. Over the past four weeks, Khloé, Liam and Jacob had become friends of sort, bonding in Elysha's hospital room. Liam brought light-hearted entertainment and a care-free sense that was refreshing after the years of being trapped in a Kingston mindset. And Jacob ─ well. He brought caffeine and memories of what life used to be like, when everyone was happier and Kingston was just a school and not a lifestyle.

Together, they held Elysha's memory.

Khloé took one last, fleeting look at the girl she barely recognised and turned to face the two people she'd thought would be the last on Earth to call her friend.

"I'm ready."

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