⇝ when they get a nightmare [losers club]

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- he stutters a lot as he doesn't want to embarrass himself
- tries to hide it but you comfort him anyway
- bury your head into his chest
- it's usually about losing you or the rest of the club
- holds your hand under the sheets
- you fall asleep face-to-face


- usually about her dad or losing you
- cries on your shoulder
- you stroke her short hair
- kiss her forehead over and over again
- you stroke her cheek


- he screams a lot
- hugging him tightly
- you can hear his rapid heartbeat
- breathes with him until he calms down
- talking about it afterwards
- he's very vulnerable in front of you
- he holds you tight to his chest


- screams
- sweating
- you hold his hand while he breathes
- taking a few puffs from his inhaler
- thankful you're here with him
- stroking his hair (relaxes him)
- you're the big spoon while cuddling him


- voice-cracky yelp
- stroking his hair
- whispering into his neck as he calms down
- laying face-to-face afterwards
- looking into each others eyes as you fall asleep

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