addressing the jack dylan grazer issue

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okay, can i just say... y'all need to hop off jack. he's a 14 year old kid and he's allowed to experiment, which is what a lot of kids to during this stage in their lives. whether it be with drugs, alcohol, new friends, even sexuality/gender. he's not your friend, he's not your kid, you can't tell him what to do and he decides what's best for him because he's his own person that makes his own decisions. he's allowed to experiment in any way he wants to, and he even apologized for what he did.

he also said that the issue involved peer pressure, which is a real and serious thing that actually happens. it's very scary especially when you're a star like that and one wrong move could end your whole career (looking at you logan paul). he's just a kid and we have to remember that, he's not an adult and in no way is he as mature as an adult yet. we need to stop treating him as if he's an adult when he's really still a kid and i'm sure he'd like to stay that way. if you're a real fan of jack and supports what he does, you'd understand the points i've made above. if you're a real fan you'd leave him alone and hop off, let him live his life the way he wants to.

thank you.

also if you want to comment on this book sending hate my way, you could politely fuck off. i do this book for fun and if i keep getting these kinds of comments i will be leaving as i don't deserve to be treated like this. i do this for you guys so i deserve at least some form of respect.

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