⇝ dating them would include [losers club]

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- nightmares (sadly)
- lots of hand holding
- lots of hugging
- always being protective of you
- going swimming at the quarry at night


- nightmares (again, sadly)
- lots of PDA
- sitting on each others laps
- scaring each other a lot
- staying in to watch movies


- lots of PDA
- constantly bragging about how you're his
- hand holding
- making inappropriate jokes that sometimes end in fights
- trying on his glasses


- helping him get over his mysophobia
- kissing on the forehead in public
- constant cuddling
- stealing his fanny packs
- drawing on his cast while he's sleeping


- constant playing of the noodle hair
- stealing his books
- attempting to read hebrew with him
- putting on his caps
- scaring him so you could hear his voice-cracky screams

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