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yeah yeah yeah i know "oh boy another AN i'm just sitting here waiting for the first freaking chapter of this freaking fanfic."

but i'm in English class right now and i'm watching a John Green video about the cast system that i've already seen because i'm a nerd and my button up shirt is getting really tight on the neck and my skinny jeans are too skinny and my oxford shoes are too oxfordy and i'm just questioning my entire life and wondering how in the hell im going to be able to make it into Harvard. anyway the point of this whole thing is that, i am having a bit of trouble writing the first chapter and the prologue. so um yeah, it's kinda taking me a little bit to be able to sit down and just write it all out.

and i was talking to my friend Maddie YuiLove17 on the way to lunch and she was like "Cynthia nobody cares about the first chapter, the first chapter always sucks. just write it down so we can get to the fluffy angst." and i was like huh,,,, girl you right. anyway i'm already half way through the first chapter and i've written 2 chapters for the Neibolt house and 2 chapter for after the house and i'm halfway done with the part when they go to the quarry and swim and have a good life. so yeah sorry for such the long wait, i'm doing as best as i can. anyway the first chapter should be up by the end of the week at the very least on Sunday.

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