Chapter 4

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All of us finally made it the the Barrens and we got off of our bikes and walked straight to the large sewer thing

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All of us finally made it the the Barrens and we got off of our bikes and walked straight to the large sewer thing.

"That's poison ivy, that's poison ivy, and that's poison ivy!" Stan kept on pointing out all of the different plants that weren't even poison ivy.

"Stan i️ swear to god not all those plants are poison ivy," i️ turned around to look at him with my eyes narrowed at him, "except for that one plant that you're touching right now."

"SPENCE JESUS CHRIST!" The noodle haired boy looked at me with annoyance and disbelief all because of his stupid fear of poison ivy.

"Love you Stan the Man." With that I️ spun around on my toes and walked towards Bill and stood beside him in the nasty-ass sewer water.

"Wh-where's the poison ivy?!"


"Okay well I'm starting to get itchy, and im pretty sure this isn't good for my health."

"Do you use the same bathroom as your mother?"

"Sometimes yeah."

"Then you probably have crabs."

"That's so not funny."

Bill, Richie, and I all walked into the sewer drain and i started kicking around the sewer and tried to get passed everything that i could without touching it.

"Are- aren't you g-guys g-gonna come in?" Bill and I turned around when Richie asked Stan and Eddie that question.

"Nuh-uh no way, that's gray water." Eddie started shaking his head back and forth a million miles per hour.

"What the hell is gray water?" I asked Eddie giving him the strangest look that i could muster up.

"It's basically," Eddie took a second to ponder (of something great my lungs will fill and then deflate) his thoughts for the right thing to say, "piss and shit. So I'm just telling ya', y'all are splashing around in millions of gallons of Derry pee."

After Eddie had finished his extensive explanation Stan made the most disgusted face and had to turn his head away before he threw up.

"What are you serious what are you?" Bill and I turned around to see Richie holding a stick with sewage dangling from the edge while pointing it at Eddie.

"It doesn't smell like caca to me señor." Richie made a weird sounding voice, even weirder than his normal voice and started playing with the stick with the walking infection hanging off of it.

Eddie raised both of his hands up to his head and looked at Stan in complete and utter disgust of their friends actions, "Have you ever heard of a staff infection?"

"Oh I'll show you a staff infection." After Richie said that he lunged at Eddie with the sewage stick hitting it on Eddies fanny-pack, and ended up dropping it into the so called 'gray water'.

"Oh this is so unsanitary, this is literally like swimming inside of a toilet bowl right now. You're the reason why we're in this position right now!"

"G-guys." Bill pulled all of our attention to his hand holding a white shoe.

"Holly shit-"

"Who's sneaker is it?" Eddie ask question looking around worriedly, as if this just solved all the answers to the question we've been dying to know; whether or not Georgie was really alive.

Bill turned on his flashlight and then flipped over the shoe over to were the top was facing the ceiling.

He gasped and had a look of complete horror, his hand trembling as he held onto the shoe, almost as if he was going to drop it.

"It's Betty Ripsoms." Richie looked at us with the most serious expression I've ever seen on him before

"I think I'm gonna get sick." I had to walk out of the sewer drain with my hand over my mouth, just thinking about what that poor girl may have gone through.

"What if she's still here?" Stan started looking towards to ground shaking his head, looking completely terrified of what our answer would be.

"Oh my god."

"How do you think Betty feels," Richie started jumping around on just one foot in the water, "walking around here with just one shoe."

"This isn't the time for joking around Richie boy." I sent the boy a stare that could cut ice straight down the middle with no problem.

"Well we have to look for her!"

"What if i don't want to find her?"


"No offence Bill but i don't want to end up like Betty or Georgie, I don't want to end up missing like them."

"Yeah Bill, it's summer, we should be out having fun, this, this isn't fun. This is scary."

Before Bill or I could say another word there was a splash in the running water. We all were on edge, so that splash made us all jump up and turn around.

There was a kid in the water looking like he had just left a boxing match, and lost badly i should add.

"Holy shit! What happened to you?!" Richie, as always, was the first person to react and to say something.

"Help." Was all the poor boy said, looking scared out of his wits.

I ran up to him first and lifted up his shirt to see how bad the cut was.

"Guys. We gotta help him." I kept on darting my eyes back and forth from the cut, to his face, and then to the boys, and repeated that until all of them came to help me up, as well as the boy.

Ben, who's name i found out after asking who he was, sat on the end of Bills bike, while i got on the back of Richies as we rode into town, praying to god that Ben wouldn't die. I mean, it looked like he was leaking hamburger helper, and i honestly don't think that's a very good thing.


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