Chapter 3

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"Come on Bill, i have stitches, not a broken skull. Please I wanna go with you guys," I pleaded with Bill about going to the sewers with the whole club to try and fine out where either Georgie or Betty went. "I promise I'll be careful, okay? Besides, practice is cancelled until we find that creep anyway." I shuddered thinking about that guy and started walking towards his bike so he could give me a ride there since Chris and Reid have both forbid me to ride mine until i get my stitches out.

"F-fine, but if you f-feel weird, I-I'm taking you h-home," Bill said as he started walking towards me and grabbed his bike from the ground, "g-got it?" He got on his bike and scooted up to were i could sit down.

"Sir yes sir." And with that i saluted to him and got into his bike.

"Y-you may wanna g-grab on. W-we're late." I sat down on the end off the seat with my legs dangling down to the sides of his bike and wrapped my hands around his waist and buried my face into his back with a blush going all up my face. He smelled like mint and campfire mixed with that smell that only guys smelled like and he smelled fantastic. I could feel his shoulder blades move as he ran his hand through his hair and then onto his handles at the front of Silver.

"R-ready?" Bill asked as he whipped his head around to look at me. If i️ hadn't of put my head back down to his back he most definitely would have seen the blush going across my face.

"Y-you know it Billy-Boy." I️ mumbled quietly but loud enough for him to be able to hear me.

At those words we were off and down the street. It felt weird not having to peddle or anything but to just hold onto him. At all the turns that we took we always asked if i️ was still doing okay after i️ wrapped my arms around his waist even tighter until i️ was practically hugging him from behind, and every time he asked me i️ would always say that i️ was fine and for him to keep on going faster.

We finally reached the Eddies house when Bill kicked his kickstand up. He got off the bike first and i️ was next but i️ tripped over the bike and almost fell to the ground, but Bill caught me just in time and wrapped one of his arms around my waist while the other went to my shoulders.

"T-thanks Bill. I️ don't really think i️ can afford to take any more falls to the head before i️ end up acting like Richie." We both started blushing and laughing like madmen. Bill was about to say something but someone interrupted.

"Come on lovebirds we gotta get the supplies!" Richie yelled out to us from his boyfr- friends house from the screened in porch looking anxious.

"R-race ya." Bill looked at me for a split second before he started running up the stairs to Eddies house with me hot on his tail.

"Ow ow ow."
"S-Spence you o-okay?" Bill stopped in the middle of Eddies lawn and jogged over to me and looked at me with concern.

"Yeah. Yeah I️ will be once i️ beat you." And with that i️ lightly pushed his chest making him walk back a few steps trying not to fall over and i️ sprinted up the rest of the way into Eddies house with Bill coming in like 5 second late after me.

"T-that was ch-cheap." Bill stated once he got up to where i️ was standing.

"That was called winning my dear friend," I️ walked into Eddies house with Bill staring at the back of my head with his jaw wide open after my comment "Babe close your mouth you're gonna catch flies."

I️ walked into Eddies kitchen with Bill right behind me. Richie was sitting on the counter while Eddie was packing all of his meds up. The poor thing started freaking out when he couldn't find his inhaler. "Ed's have you checked your fifth fanny-pack? I️ think i️ saw it in there yesterday." I️ suggested and Eddie ran down the hall looking through his collection and finally found it. "Thanks Spence."

"Hey Eddie. These your birth control pills?" Richie questioned as he got off the countertop and went to open one of the cabinets, probably thinking it was food, but instead was met with a whole bunch of prescription meds that Eddie really doesn't need.

"Yeah i'm saving them for your sister." Eddie ran up and shut the cabinets while all four of us started walking out of the kitchen almost reaching the front door when Eddies mom stopped us.

"And where are you four off to?" Ms. K was sitting on her recliner painting her nails a bright pink colour while watching the tv.

"M-my house Ms.K. I️ j-just got a, a n-new-"

"A new crochet set. Come on Bill spit it out." Richie interrupted and saved our asses while Bill was trying to come up with something good.

"Okay. Oh Eddie dear, be careful of the grass, especially if it's been freshly cut. You know how bad your allergies get." Eddie's mom started looking at us with partially shut eyes, almost like she was trying to intimidate us.

"Of course mom." We all tried to leave the house as fast as we could, but once again we were stopped.

"Aren't you forgetting something dear?" Ms.K looked at Eddie like she was expecting something. Eddie trudged his way over to her while Richie struggled to stifle a laugh, so Bill and I️ had to hit him in the chest. Eddie had just reached his mom when he lent down to give her a kiss.

He started shooing us out the door when all of a sudden Richie stopped walking and turned to Eddies mom. "Do you want one from me too Ms.K?" After he said that Eddie hit him upside the head and forced him out the door, but not after me said sorry to his mom.

We all ran towards our bikes to meet Stan at the Barrens. Eddie and Richie both got in their bikes and started peddling off while Bill had just gotten his kickstand up and hopped on then so did i️. Like before i️ wrapped my arms around his waist, and we were off to the sewers.

a/n: hahah it's a saturday and my mom thought my team pictures for the swim team were at 5:45 cause that's the time i️ have to be in the pool every school day when they were really at 6:45, so i️ woke up at 5 am for nothing and fell back asleep for like 20 minutes and i️ havent fallen back asleep since and it's currently 10:22 in Indiana right now and i️ wanna SSSLLLEEEEEEPPPPPP

a/n: hahah it's a saturday and my mom thought my team pictures for the swim team were at 5:45 cause that's the time i️ have to be in the pool every school day when they were really at 6:45, so i️ woke up at 5 am for nothing and fell back asleep fo...

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