Chapter 5

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As soon as we all made it to the ally-way beside the pharmacy we jumped off our bikes and right away i ran to Ben, throwing his arm over my shoulder i walked him to the wooden milk crates stacked on top of each other and carefully set him down

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As soon as we all made it to the ally-way beside the pharmacy we jumped off our bikes and right away i ran to Ben, throwing his arm over my shoulder i walked him to the wooden milk crates stacked on top of each other and carefully set him down.

"Okay, okay um, me, Bill, Eddie, and Stan will go inside and get some supplies, while Richie stays out here with Ben."

"But do we have enough money for what all we need?"

We pulled out all the money that we had and put it all together only to realize that we only have 3 bucks, which was definitely not enough for everything that we needed.

"Wait a minute Ed, don't you have an account here?" I asked frantically, not wanting Ben to get any worse.

"What?! Yes but if my mom finds out I bought all of this stuff I'll be in the hospital getting
X-rays for a month!"

"Yeah well Eddie we kinda have someone bleeding out here!" I started raising my voice, trying anything to get this kid to listen to me for once in his damn life.



"GUYS STOP YELLING FOR CHRISTS SAKE!" Richie finally had enough with our bickering and thankfully decided to end it now.

"Yeah well guys, I'm going in there and I'm actually going to help Ben." As soon as I finished saying that I grabbed all the money from Bills hand and stormed into the pharmacy.

I kept on walking not noticing that Bill, Eddie, and Stan all ran after me. I only actually noticed when I felt Bills hand brush against mine for a split second, in any other circumstance I would have blushed and my heart may have beat a bit faster; but in this situation it was serious.

"Okay gauze, bandaids, cotton balls, alcohol, and q-tips." Eddie started walking all up and down the aisle way grabbing random things that may help that poor kid in the back.

"Yeah guys, we most definitely don't have enough money for all this." I said solemnly, knowing we may not be able to help.

I sighed and walked away from the group hoping and praying that someone will be able to help us.

Then that's when I saw him again.
It wasn't like last time, I didn't see his face, I just saw his hand, running itself across the back row of supplies. Its fingers were like Freddy Krueger's, but somehow longer and sharper.

Then I heard somebody from behind me, "Spence. You okay?"
I finally turned around, scared it would be that thing from the locker room.

"Spencer, you're really starting to freak me out here." I drew my eyes up from the floor, ready to scream and run, but it was just Beverly.

It took me a solid thirty seconds to finally get my words out of my mouth, "Y-yeah I'm fine." And then I just walked away. No "how are you"s or "wanna hang out" I just walked. It was like my entire body was on fire, and I couldn't stop shaking.

I didn't even bother to look back at the boys before I made a run to the door.

The pharmacy was usually a 15 minute run. But I got home in 5.

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