Chapter 2

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"Come on man chocolate is obviously better than vanilla

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"Come on man chocolate is obviously better than vanilla. Vanilla is just so plain, chocolate it where it's at." Richie and Eddie had been arguing about whether vanilla or chocolate was the better flavor of ice cream for the pat hour and a half while Stan, Bill and I were just sitting in the corner booth in the small ice cream store.

"Come on guys mint chocolate chips is the best and we all know it. Don't even fight me on this. We all know i'm right." I intervened into the amusing argument much to Stan and Bills protest.

"Oh now come on Spence we don't need another flavor mixed into this very important argument." Richie looked at me in pure disbelief while the rest of the boys just bursted out laughing while i on the other hand noticed the time and shot up from my seat and started packing everything up.

"Guys i'm so sorry but i have to go. I didn't even notice what time it was and if i'm late Nick is gonna make me swim extra laps and i really don't want that."

"Oh. B-bye S-sp-spence."
"Spence you're late." Nick yelled out from the other side of the pool as soon as i slipped into the room.

"By like 5 minutes!" I yelled at the top of my lungs

"Yeah and you know the rules. Ten extra laps for you."

"But Nick it was 5 minutes and it's the last day of school and i ate like 4 scoops of ice cream not even 10 minutes ago! I feel like i'm gonna throw up." I started walking towards the locker room trying not to look behind me so i didn't have to face the rath of him just quite yet.

"Yeah you say you feel like you're gonna throw up every day during practice and yet you never actually do."

I walked into the locker room and started getting ready when all of a sudden i heard the toilet flush, but what was weird was that everyone else was already in the pool.

"Hello?" I walked closer and closer to the toilets that were across the room from where my locker was. "Anybody in here?" I stopped when i got in front of the bathroom stall that had the flushing toilet that just wouldn't stop.

I pushed the door open but the toilet just stopped running all together. All there was, was just a huge spider that freaked me out. I ran back to my locker to finish getting my stuff but i slipped on the wet floor and slammed my head into the concrete ledge and blood started coming out of my head.

"Nick! Nick can you get in here?! Like NOW!" I screamed at the top of my lungs for him to get in here but nothing happened. Nobody came in. "Nick i'm being serious come on man!" The blood just kept on coming and coming and it wouldn't stop. I put both my hands on my head but everything started getting really weird feeling.

"Come on Red. Come with us." A weird voice came out from the other side of the locker room. I held my head and tried getting up but i couldn't, the whole room was spinning by now and it gave me a killer headache. "Come on Red. You're a swimmer. You float. If you come with me, you'll float too."

"NICK GET IN HERE!" I screamed and screamed but he didn't come. He couldn't hear me. Nobody couldn't hear me.I was stuck in here.

I pushed myself off the floor finally and started walking slowly towards the exit door. All the girls were swimming and Nick was practically screaming at them to swim faster and faster, so basically any other practice. He finally looked over to me and at first he didn't see anything wrong with me, but then he finally saw it. He screeched his whistle and that made me grab my ears to try to block out the noise but it only made it hurt even more.

He ran up to me and looked at my hands stained with blood and moved them to get a good look at my head.

"Jesus Spence what did you do? We've got to call an ambulance or something cause this is pretty deep." He started signaling for on of the girls to get out and call 911 plus Reid and Chris. "Okay Spence i'm gonna have you sit down for right now okay? Tell me what happened in there." He started leading me to the chair in front of his office and had someone get me an ice pack for my head.

"I-I was getting ready, I was getting ready and i just, i saw a spider so i r-ran back to my locker b-but i slipped and fell but i heard someone Nick. I heard someone. Someone was in there. He-he started talking, he t-talked to me. Nick someone is in there." I stated hyperventilating and freaking out while grabbing onto the top of his arms.

"Okay, okay Spence i'll go check it out right now alright," he started standing up but before he walked to the changing room he motioned for one the newer girls on the team to come over and watch me "Abbe stay here with her okay. If she passes out you yell out and you yell out loudly. Got it?" He started pointing a finger at her while walking backwards to the room.

"G-got it Nick." She started looking at my head asking me how it happened and i basically repeated what i told Nick. "Hey hey hey, it's alright, it's okay you're gonna be fine. Nick is checking it out right now and if someone was in there he's gonna kick his ass." She started running her hand up and down my arm to attempt to calm me down.

"There's nobody there," Nick ran out of the room with a white face that could blend into the wall. "Spence nobody is in there. If they were in there he's gone." He started walking up towards the chair i was sitting at and kneeled down to about eye level with me.

"W-what?He, he was just in there. I-I heard him! Nick he's in there! Nick you gotta believe me." I started freaking out and the headache that i had started getting worse and worse until it felt like my head was about to rip open.

"Spence, i believe you, but for right now you gotta calm down, you freaking out is only gonna make this worse. I'll see if i can lock all the doors until the ambulance along with your brother and sister. I am going to search this place up and down for this creep."

And with him saying that i heard the ambulance sirens getting louder and louder along with Reid and Chris asking where i was. As soon as they saw me they ran up and hugged my right and asked what happened. Nick ended up answering and by the time he was done Chris' face was as red as his hair.

"You mean to tell me that there was a grown man in the girls changing room, and suddenly disappeared? You mean to tell me that this creep could have seen my baby sister getting changed? You mean to tell me that he talked to her?" He started spitting out words like cold ice and clenched his fists so hard they turned white while we started walking towards the lobby so i could get in the ambulance.

"I mean to tell you that all the doors here are locked and he are going to go hallway through hallway, and class to class until we find this freak. I'm going to cancel practice until we find him because i am not letting this happen again." All four of us walked up to the  ambulance while they started getting the doors open for me to get into.

"Okay Spence my name is Nathan, i'm gonna help clean this all up and take you to the hospital to get some stitches because this is really deep. Only one other person can be in the back so we don't get too crowded.

"I'll go," Reid spoke up out of nowhere after being unusually quiet, "Chris you go try and find this creep and when you do, make sure he can't have any kids." And with that we went into the ambulance after Chris gave me a hug almost squeezing my insides out.

a/n,,,,, wtf was that like i don't even know anymore but like  this was NOT my best work ever but i was on the struggle bus and i knew i needed to get this done, but what matters now is that THE STORY IS PICKING UP AND THE NEXT CHAPTER MAY HAVE A TINY BIT OF FLUFF IDK YET BUT ITS ALL RIGHT

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