an explination

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okay guys i felt like i needed to explain why i haven't updated in a long time.

3 weeks ago i noticed my grades were slipping and my parents were getting angry with me because of it so they had me stop going to swim for a week, both afternoon and morning practice. my parents hold me at high standards because i do want to go to Harvard, my mom is a teacher, my dad owns his own business, and my sister is a straight A student. so right then and there i knew i had to try 10 times harder than a lot of people.

that week i had 4 anxiety attacks in just 2 days. and i still had 3 more days to go, and in that span of time i had 4 more. i just wanted to give up. i basically shut down and it wasn't a good time for me. i just felt really useless in every aspect of life.

a week after that i was allowed to go back to swim practice but my parents still kept a really close eye on me. they would freak out if i got anything less than a C on any assignment or test.

at that same time my mom and i had been having a lot of fights and it took a toll on me which raised my anxiety. i had also just gotten out of the boot because of my tendinitis and the trainers at the school wouldn't clear me because they didn't think i wasn't ready to compete.

that next day after my mom and i had the biggest fight we had had was the day before my first final. i had the worst anxiety attack i had ever had to the point were my friend had to walk me down to the nurses office and stay with me for and hour trying to calm me down. it had gotten to the point were they had to call my mom but she wouldn't come and get me because she doesn't believe that i have an anxiety disorder.

i took all of my finals and ended up passing them but i had to go to a therapist and they convinced my mom to let me take some medication for it and they gave me some new acomidations for when ever i take tests to go to the testing center and take them there.

anyway this all happened in the span of 3 weeks and i really just needed some time to be able to emotionally come back from everything that had happened.

but i'm back now and i should be better than ever with everything so i should be updating soon and thank you all for being so patient and hopefully you all will understand why i've been gone for a while.

Sinking ||2017 IT || Bill DenbroughOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora