50 Facts Plus Legit Face Reveal

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1.) i️ am legit only 5'2 and the guy i️m talking to is like 6'5
2.) i️m a sophomore in high school
3.) i️ played a prostitute in Jekyll and Hyde
4.) i️ now play a lawyer in Tracks (from prostituter to prosecutor am i️ right?!)
5.) i️ swim backstroke, freestyle, and butterfly
6.) i️ did ballet, jazz, tap, and hip-hop and i️ still teach tap and ballet
7.) i️ freakin met John Green at a Taylor Swift concert

) i️ freakin met John Green at a Taylor Swift concert

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8.) i️ have tendinitis in my left foot so i️ have to stay in a boot for god knows how long
9.) i️ freaking suck at Math
10.) but ask me when the Civil War started and when it ended i️ can tell you that ( April 11, 1861- May 10, 1865)
11.) i️m Team Cap all the way but i️ act more like Tony Stank
12.) i️ like to think i️ can sing
13.) i️ started Wattpad when i️ was in the 7th grade and i️m just now writing stuff
14.) i️m in Pre-AP english, AP World, AP Anatomy, Theatre 1, Child Development, Spanish 1, and Lifeguarding
15.) i️ swam for 3 years and then i️ quit to do dance and i️ just quit dance to do swim
16.) i've been acting for 3 years now and it's great
17.) i️ aspire to be like Rory Gilmore from Gilmore Girls
18.) i️ really wanna get into Harvard or Ball State with a scholarship from Swim
19.) i️m a little baby and am only 15 yet i️ have my learners permit before all my friends and i️m the youngest???? (i️m looking at you YuiLove17 )
20.) i️ met Wesley Schultz aka the lead singer in The Lumineers aka the best freaking indie band ever
21.) i️ like to think i️ take aesthetic photos
exhibit A

) i️ like to think i️ take aesthetic photos exhibit A

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22.) i️m going to major in Criminal Phycology and minor in law when i️ go to college
23.) i️ would like to get a PHD in English
24.) my dream career is to be a profiler in the BAU (behavior analysis unit) of the FBI
25.) La La Land is one of my favorite movies as well as A Beautiful Mind
26.) I️ was born on a plane coming back to America from France
27.) i️ am running out of facts
28.) i️m really not that interesting
29.) i️m writing this right after i️ finished my play
30.) i️ had an anxiety attack before it
31.) i️ cried on stage but thankfully nobody noticed
32.) i️m really flippin tired
33.) i️ turned 15 on a cruise in the Bahamas
34.) it was lit
35.) i️m 20/20 in one eye and i️m legally blind in the other
36.) my full name is Cynthia Marie Elizabeth
37.) my theatre family is literally the cutest thing ever and that's not even half of them

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