Black Knight

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My heart began to race from the thought that i could be like her in only moments. The auction went along with the Announcer picking through the line up of the most disheveled ones and having the perverts take them away. There was five of us left and with every human leaving , and the crowd dissolving, i became more and more worried. I had to stay calm or i'll be seen as weak and vulnerable. The males were gone except to Samuel and the rest are girls. The announcer looked to see the crowd of about 20 roar for the next girl, a well, clean and neat girl with raven hair walked up with confidence. She was given away to the a knight belonging to the East kingdom, the ones where they treat the demestics with some respect. The Announcer scanned around the last four of us, he finally stopped and pointed to me.
"The one with the two colored eyes! Come darling! " he said and i came up with a slight chill up my spine when i saw all the Tantibus cheer for me as i looked up to show my eyes.
"Now who would like to have this unique snowflake!?" the announcer yelled as he pulled me closer to his side. The crowd filled with savage beasts scream, seeing many hands shoot up gives me fear of me becoming like the others, slaves to ones that only want you for your body or ... blood.

"Ah! I see many hands up but I cannot say no to the King of the black knights himself!" He yelled with a proud smile, once I heard the name , i felt my knees buckle and i fell to my knees.
"Hey!hey now! I know you're excited to go home but we must continue on with the auction!" the announcer said aggressively pulling me up.
"Actually! I'd like to purchase all four of the domestics for my sons and daughter" The king snapped and made the crowd sigh of annoyance .
"Hah! The king commands all of the Domestics?! I could never say no to my best customer!" the Announcer said letting go of me, letting my knees buckle again.

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