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Kai's p.o.v.
I woke up in my bed as Erwin poured warm blood into a chalice. I sat up and chugged the blood that burn the way down, it was Raven's blood, probably a small punishment from mother. I leaped out and felt my bones popping together as I ran to the Domestic's sleeping quarters, hoping that Eve's okay.
I bump into something and stop dead, I look to see who was in my way to see my Eve. I found that it was Scarlet's domestic, he looked away but I could feel the slight anger that rain through his high pulse.
"Where is Eve?" I said to him politely
"She's sleeping, leave her alone sire, she doesn't have much strength for another feeding like that" he said with anger in the back of his throat
"I would nev-"
"She doesn't need to wake up with the sight of a Tantibus at the moment sire" he rudely interrupted me, any other Tantibus would have killed him by now. However, I can tell that he cares for his fellow Domestic, but I need to know if she's ok.
"Samuel?" I heard Scarlet say behind me, her face was burned and slowly healing, my flames can be hotter than the magma in the Earth at times, I saw the burn got down to the Bone at some parts of her right side. I would imagine she would have healed over night, but it seems she's low on blood.
"Sorry master, It'll never happen again" he said shoving me out of the way to walk into her room,  I hear crunch and a couple of heavy drops from his blood,  Scarlet is aggressive when she's in need of strength.
I ran down to the quarters and saw Eve. She was was the only peaceful thing in the catacombs that I could focus on. Her hair was scattered on the pillow and the thin covers came up to her neck to only show her fragile face, looking as if she was in a deep, deep sleep. Her Frail hand laid on her chest gripping tightly into something as a chain hung out of her grasp. I finally noticed all the bandages covering the wounds Scarlet... And I gave her yesterday morning. I heard her Whine in her sleep as if she was having a nightmare, I held onto the hand that held the chain. She jumped at my touch and turned her head to the side as she let another wimper out. I lightly squeezed her tiny hands that fit perfectly in mine. Her mismatched eyes opened wide as she suddenly sat up screaming horrified.

Eve's p.o.v.
I sat up from the horrible dream that sent me back to the memories of what happened at the orphanage. I felt warm, comforting arms wrap around my trembling body, the arms belonged to Kai.
"Shh shh it's ok, it's ok" he said light rubbing my bank as tears flooded my eyes.
"K-Kai" I said quietly as I leaned into his grasp, He joined me on the small bed holding my tightly.
"No one is going to hurt you ever again" he said angerly, yet upset, his cunning and princy approach was gone, all that remains was a frustrated and caring person whose pheromones filled the room with many colors of emotions. His arms tightened, nearly squishing my organs together.
"K-Kai you're hurting me" I said politely, I missed his warmth but I could breath from how hard he held me. He instantly released and ruined to face me. I looked down as I unclench my hands that held my mother's necklace, Kai held his hand out for me to sure him. I slowly laid it in his larger hands, he dangled it to look at the large Ruby that was embedded on the charm.
" Who gave you this?" He said with a confused look
"M-my mother" I stubbled to say as I became worried
"Do you know if your mother worked for the South kingdom?, only the South have Stones of these kinds" he asked admiring the red Jewel.
"I-i don't know, I've never met my mother, this is the only thing she left me with" I answered worried if he would become mad of the necklace made from the enemies
" I think it's beautiful but do be careful with this, if cain sees this Stone, He'll try to harm you." He said laying out gently back in my hands
"W-what happened to Scarlet yesterday?" I asked changing the subject as I hid the charm
"Why did she burst into flames? Why were you almost crushed to death? And why do I have to be in the terrible room Domestics call home?" I asked becoming panicked as the memories came flooding back
" royal blood Tantibus have powers, Scarlet has telekinesis and I had pyrokinesis, she controls anything while I control fire" he says as he Sparks a flame in his hand
" You don't have to worry about Scarlet for now, she's weak from her burning half death" he continued as he snuffed out the flame that danced on his hand.
"A-re you okay?" I asked putting a hand on his chest where his heart would be, he laid a hand onto mine and looked at me with amusement
"I'm a Tantibus, I'll heal these wounds" he said
"But you're not, so,let me take a look at my beastly marks" he said as he unraveled my bandages

Kai's p.o.v.
The bandages laid onto three bed, I examined her gentle have, but there was nothing to examine,I must have just scratched the surface. I unraveled the wrap on her arms, and again nothing.
"W-what is it?" She asked as she noticed my confusion
"You healed well for a human....may I see the bite?" I asked and she politely nodded and unraveled the wrap herself.
There revealed two mostly healed scabs of where Scarlet ripped into her flawless gentle skin.
"Is it bad?" She asked looking away in slight pain
"No, did it hurt?" I ask worried From the look on her face. She hesitantly nodded her head "no", I didn't believe her
"Eve I know that's not true" I said as I wrapped the wounds back up.
"I'll live Master" she said looking away from me
"Why did you-" I was interrupted by a rude intentional cough, I turned to see Samuel holding a tray of medicine and food. He was irritated while tapping his foot with no manners assisting to me.
"Samuel! You're bleeding!" Eve jumped up looking at the wounds, I became territorial over Eve.
"I'll be fine, the Tantibus just got hungry" he replied quickly sending me a dirt look.
"Eve can you come to my room when you're feeling well enough to walk the stairs?" I asked, she nodded and bowed
I walked up the tedious stairs and was enraged, out of aggression, I punched the wall, making a dent in the brick.
"Well well brother, what angered you now?" Scarlet completely healed said with a smirk that covered her cheeks.

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