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I became calm from the thought of getting out of the catacombs and seeing him. I walked into Kai's room, but he wasn't there. So,I sat on the couch waiting for him to come in , I lightly pulled my hair feeling smoothered by it.
"What is trash like you just sitting around and not doing your chores?" A voice said on my left, there was Cain with his arms crossed glaring at me, I felt his threatening pheromones hit him in the chest and looked away.
"My master ordered me to meet him in here when I'm well, I was given no chores sire" I replied in a calm voice, trying to lose my high pulse from him scaring me.
"Your master is in training and if I was him I would've ever want to have you in sight" he snapped
"I'll just leave and find things to do" I said getting up and walking out to go find Kai but ran into Cain
"Did I say you could leave you peasant?!" He said
"And don't ever touch me again, I don't want to catch your disease!" He continued grabbing my neck lifting me high enough for my feet to dangle, I couldn't breath from how tight he handled me.
"S-ire gah l-et me so. d- agh down" I pleaded starting to panic as my sight went blurry
" Ah you're finally yiping like the dog you are" he said yanking me closer to him. I felt the room becoming hot and heavy
" Any longer she would have actually died" he said throwing me to the ground, I coughed catching my breath, my sight started to focus and saw Kai surrounded in flames, his eyes glowed red with rage.
"Kai?" I said weak but he couldn't hear me from the flames crackling furiously
"I'm finished playing brother, you've hurt my Eve! And now you'll pay!" He spoke as he dashed towards his brother, but before Kai couldn't touch him, Cain vanished.
"Cain!" Kai yelled raising his voice with every single sound of the name.
" Don't forget that I'm a royal blood too brother" Cain said as he reappeared behind me
"Your not the only one with powers" he said picking me up by the next again

Kai's p.o.v.
"Don't touch her!" I yelled as Cain picked Eve up by her neck again, I wanted to burn him but she could get burned if I did, my flames grow wild around me and out of uncontrollable rage a ball of fire was spit out of my flames surrounding me. Cain vanished and Eve slammed to the ground in time to miss the flame. I felt a breeze and I turned too see him as he charged at me.

Eve's p.o.v.
Cain flew Kai into the wall next to me
"Kai!" I yelled and I felt a breeze behind me as Cain picked me up by the neck once more
"I didn't say you could speak" he takes and threw me into the wall as well .
"No!" I heard Kai said as I slide back onto the ground feeling bones crack from the hard impact.
"You bastard!" Kai yelled blasting off of the cracking wall, Cain vanished and Kai smashed in to the glass doors that lead to the balcony, the glass shattered everywhere but he just got back up with more flames.
I heard Cain laugh as he reappeared and grabbed Kai by the neck again, he tightened as he hung him over the edge of the balcony that was three stories high. Kai grabbed his arm and let the flames eat away his skin and cover his body, he yelled and released Kai, I see Kai vanished as he was dropped from the balcony
"Kai!!" I tried hobbling over to see him on his feet looking towards me. I smile to see him okay but I suddenly went blank and fainted.

Kai's p.o.v.
I saw her collapsed and I dashed up to my room, barricaded the doors so no one can come in. I picked up my unconscious Eve, bruised and cut she still looked beautiful. I laid her on the bed and I laid besides her, praying that she'll be okay. My flames take up a lot of my energy and I trained before hand as well. I'm glad that I made it in time to save her though.

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