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Eve's p.o.v.
I felt a blast of pheromones when Kai noticed
Samuel, they weren't the pheromones that I usually feel when I'm with him, they were full of anger. Samuel didn't look so happy when he noticed Kai either. The air felt thick when they were both in the room.
I started to clean Samuel's wounds, the marks were deep and torn, he looked in a lot a pain but I could tell he was trying to hide it.
"Samuel?" I asked and he looked as if he was only focusing on me
"Um do-do you hate me being around my master?" I asked from my thoughts bugging me
"Eve why would you ask something so silly? Of course" he said as I felt him becoming upset
"I just feel like you two hate each other for no reason" I replied feeling a bit offended from his reaction
"For no reason?!" He yelled jumping up from the bed
"Eve! He put you in bandages!and you can Barely even walk the stairs! He's a Tantibus! All he wants is your blood! It's not a month and we're both covered in wounds! And you think it's just fine and dandy in the fucking blood covered hell hole!?!" He yelled pacing as I could feel the rage build.
"Eve are you insane?!" He finished as he stopped pacing and looked to me seriously
" I'm not! Kai didn't do this to me!" I said bedding angry myself, Kai doesn't want any of this and Samuel just thinks he's a monster like the rest of them
"Then why did I see you on the floor bloodied in his room?! He yelled back
"Because of your master!" I snapped back
"She was trying to kill Kai because he tried to stop her from hurting me! She broke almost every Bone in his body and he still never gave up fighting! He set her on fire so that she wouldn't kill me! You see me on the floor but where did you find Kai?!" I tried back standing up
" I don't care about that scum-"
"Don't call him that!" I snapped, stomping my foot down. all of a sudden he went to his knees coughing. I snapped out of my rageful trance and kneeled down to see what happened to him.
"S-Samuel?" I asked putting my have on his shoulder. He looked up with fear in his eyes
" W-what happened?!" I asked worried
"I-i-I don't know*cough* it felt like a wave a pheromones just hit me" he replied
"But how? There's no Tantibus near" I asked confused
" I don't know" he said looking down from me
" Y-you should go to your master, h-he's waiting" he continued as he started to shake
I nodded and slowly took the steps to meet Kai.

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