My New Wounds

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Kai's p.o.v.
For her first day, she went through a lot and it didn't send her the impression I wanted to give. I held her tiny warm body in my arms as I read the book to her, I turned the page and look to find her curled up, fast asleep. I knew she hadn't slept for days, seeing the slight impression of eye bags. I knew the sleeping quarters for them are never comfortable, she would have to share a small bed with one of the others. I closed the book and picked her up, walking her to my bedroom. I gently laid her into my large, soft bed and covered her in the heavy comforter. She let out a tiny exhale as she snuggled into the large pillows that made her body look even smaller than she already was. I didn't want to disturb her quiet trance, so I laid on the couch across the room. I kept a eye on her until my eyes finally gave into the nights spell.

Eve's p.o.v.
I heard an owl hoot and I slowly opened my eyes from the best nights sleep that I've ever had. I opened my eyes to not see that i'm in the chambers for the Domestics, no. I'm in Kai's bed, tucked into his soft covers. Wondering where he is I sat up and scanned the room. My eyes stopped to see him sleeping on his one armed, red velvet couch, made perfectly for him. What happened?
I walked over to him, still sleeping. I bent over and grabbed his arm to shake it. Instantly he pinned me onto the cold floor. I closed my eyes from fear, having my heart race and my body start to shake. His tight grip on my wrist loosened and I felt blood stream down them from how hard his nails pressed into me. He got off of me and said in a shaky tone "I'm sorry Eve I thought you were someone else, it's a defense mechanism"
"It's ok master" I said standing up ,looking at my wrist that had small cuts from each nail. Kai walked to me and looked at the cuts he made
"I scared you and hurt you" he said with his head still down
"Two things that I never want to do" he continued looking up to me
"It's ok master" I said
He pulled my wrist closer to him, pulling me closer. I notice his eyes had that red glint that all Tantibus have, that blood lust glint made me start to lightly start to shake. He pulled them to his mouth as he licked the blood dripping from the fresh wounds.

Kai's p.o.v.
"M-master?" her sweet voice snapped me out of my disgusting bloodthirsty trance, I looked down to see her trembling terribly with a tear of fear roll down her soft cheek.
"I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean t-" I said looking way in disappointment in myself, letting go of her delicate bloodied wrists.
" please forgive me, I'm a disgusting being!" I said turning away from her with shame. The thing that angers me the most is that... I want more. I promised myself I'll never hurt her, but my existence is cursed, her blood is different from any other human. It was sweet and filled with strong emotion, fear and terror runs through her veins. which made me disgusted of everyone and everything in this world that would harm her... including myself.
"Well well well" Scarlet's irritating voice echoed in my ear as she walked in my room
"My little brother tasted his thing's blood, I could smell her scent a mile away" she said as she walked to stop at Eve grabbing her wounded wrist
"Get out" I said becoming filled with anger, she grabbed Eve's shoulders and flipped her hair back, showing Eve's vulnerable neck. Scarlet looked to me with her hungry eyes appearing with a grin of the beast we all are
"Awe is baby brother getting mad that i'm touching his toy" She said yanking Eve's messy collar down, showing her shoulder, Scarlet moved her head to lean on the other side, everything movement made the poor thing jump.

Eve's p.o.v.
"Don't you dare-" Kai yelled about to pounce but was stopped as he was thrown back into the wall by nothing.
"K-Kai!" I yelled scared from how much power radiated from Scarlet.
"awe look Kai, I could hear her pulse raise" she said running her long nails down my neck.
"Don't touch her!" He yelled still pinned to the wall, he yelled in pain as if something was squeezing him.
"W-hat did you d-do to him?" I asked scared of could happen to him
"It's so pitiful how stupid you toys are" she laughed
"All royal Tantibus have powers, for example" she said as Kai was pulled off the wall and slammed back in, cracking the rock.
"Mine is telekinesis" she said into my ear
"S-stop this" I said starting to tear up from the fear running in my veins. she laughed and pulled my collar further down.
"Scarlet don't fucking dar-" Kai yelled but was interrupted as she was starting to choke him.
"Maybe think before you cut your Domestic" she said before she sunk her cold teeth into my shoulder, I screamed from the immense pain as she dug her long nails into my arms. I shut my eyes feeling blurry. I felt a blast of heat, I opened to see Scarlet's gown on fire, she agressivly ripped her fangs out of me as she started to scream as she started to burn. She let me go and I was too weak to stand, so I fell.
Everything went black

Kai's p.o.v.
Eve collapsed as Scarlet ran out to stop the visous flame grow on her large, heavy gown. She released me and I fell to my knees, weak from all the borken bones she'd created. I'll heal but slowly since I haven't had much blood.
"Eve!" A Scarlet's Domestic came running in and pick her limp body and ran out. I couldn't stop him from Scarlet strangling me, I lost a lot of air. Then all I saw was black.

Eve's p.o.v.
I woke up in one of the beds in the Domestic's sleeping quarters. I slowly sat up trying to collect my thoughts, then I noticed the large bandage around my shoulder, wrists, and arms.
I looked to see Samuel mixing something in a small bowl on the table.
"Shh shhhh! you're ok just rest, Annabelle took your chores so don't worry" he said quickly turning around to push me down onto the hard bed.
"W-where's K... Where's my master?" I asked fixing my mistake
" I don't care about those scum! you need to rest as I make you some ointment for the wounds" he said angrily , I nodded feeling really weak so I closed my eyes, but couldn't fall asleep. I miss the warmth of his arms and how soft his bed was, the beds here are hard and cold, I feel vulnerable as if Alec or Scarlet will come back for more. My anger drained me emotionally and I finally feel asleep.

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