Beauty and the Beast

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We were given chores to do as we wait for our master's to finish their lesson. I was given dusting and fixing the sleeping quarters. There rooms were spacious with big bed and many pillows and soft blankets, I could tell which room belonged to who. Scarlet's was the first room I cleaned , her room was very feminine with the color scheme of red and black, her closet was spacious filled with many gowns and many accessories were in her big bureau accompanied with a mirror the as tall as me with beauty produce including expensive perfumes and colorful makeup.
Cain's room was the next, his was big with the same color scheme as his sister's but the smell of blood filled the room. He had weapons hung on one of the many walls. His room wasn't filled with many things, only two bookcases and a table filled with many bottles filled with  gruesome things, such as eyes or a brain, anything that would make one lose their appetite.
Alec's was very messy and took me an hour to clean. His room was filled with the aroma of sex and sweat, the color scheme was more royal purples and gold. His bed was wide and the frame was made from actual gold, the carpets were made from many animal pelts like a wolf, bear and even a tiger.
The next room was my master's, Kai's. His had a clean, comforting smell that made me relax as I cleaned his nearly spotless room. One wall was covered with bookcases , filled with many, many books of various genres. My caretaker never really taught us a lot of thing about english, so it was hard for me to read such intricate books.There was one that caught my eye that gave me some nostalgia from my childhood, Beauty and the Beast, the only book that my caretaker ever read to me and the other children in the orphanage. I pulled the heavy book and started to read the first page, but the vocabulary was very advanced, the version she read was very simpler. I sat down on a small stool and tried to decipher the book.
"Ah I see you like books" a cunning, yet calm voice said. I jumped up to find Kai standing over me with a relaxed smirk on his face. Afraid if I would be punished, I closed the book and grabbed the duster.
"S-so s-sorry master, I was just interested in the book, this will never hap-"
"shh , it's okay little one, I was enjoying the sight of your confused yet happy expression you had on your face" He interrupted my panic attack
"may i see the book you were so fascinated in?" He asked, I  politely handed him the book and he smile as he saw the title.
"Beauty and the Beast, you've heard of this story?" He asked again
"W-when I was younger the c-caretaker read us this to distract us when there was a nasty storm, thought I can't read well so I won't be able to enjoy is as much as I did back then" I said feeling my stress slightly relieve itself.
"I could read it to you if you'd like, mother Lysa taught us how to read in many languages" He said in a polite way
"Why are you being so nice? First not biting me and now this? W-why?" I said becoming very confused and scared
"Why would I not?" he said, slightly losing his smile
"B-because Tantibus abuse us and kill Domestics l-like me" I answered starting to shake
"Especially the Kingdom o-of -"
"the Blood Knights?" he said placing the book down on the stool,  his smile was gone
"I know what the rumors are about my family, that we're evil beings from hell that kill our Domestics many times" he said stepping closer to me, with every step he took toward me, I took one backwards until I hit a wall
"And they're all true" he continued in a deeper, less comforting tone, his fangs were showing and his eyes had a glint of red.

Kai's p.o.v.
She closed her eyes tightly and turned her head away in fear, her neck was vulnerable and the desire of biting her was strong. A strong wave of fear is radiating from her as she started to breath heavily and a tiny whimper escaped from her rosy lips and her small body was starting to shake uncontrollably. I'm doing the opposite of what I intended to do and scaring her.  I can't do this to her, she'll never see me for who I truly am if I keep acting out like this. I put my hand on her shoulder, making her jump

Eve's p.o.v.
"I-I'm sorry, this isn't like me, Please don't be afraid of me, I'm not like my family" He said, I opened my eyes and saw him looking down to the floor like how a Domestic would, his long, slick hair was in his face.

Kai's p.o.v.
A soft hand pulled back a clump of hair  that was in the way of my face. I looked up and saw her look at me with a tear rolling down her  pale cheek, I took her hand that was touching my hair softly and held it, she was freezing and still shaking. I wiped the tears off from her face with the other hand.
"I'm so sorry little one" I said looking back down from my own disapproval of my behavior.
"P-please don't call me that master" Her soft voice said in a shaky tone
"only if you don't call me master" I replied to her, looking into her mismatching, beautiful eyes that were bigger and more relaxed.
"But I have to, it's the code of the Domestics" She said slightly shaking her head no
"When it's just you and I, the code shall not apply to you, and that is my first small order" I said , trying to calm her nerves. Her head shook yes, and looked at me with a start of a smile
"Yes mast-"
"Ah ah" I interrupted her
"Yes Kai" she said, fixing her mistake that make her smile show more
"Good, now your supper will be served soon, go down early and enjoy, I'll see you for mine, then I'll read you the book, okay?" I said letting go of her small hands as she relaxed and nodded her head
"Thank you" she said as I backed away, giving her space as she walked off with a happier posture.
"So I see you're taking liking to that disgusting mutt you call a Domestic"  Cain said walking into my room with his usual regal, yet bratty stance.
"Stop saying that" I said gritting my teeth, becoming territorial, I remembered how upset Eve became when she first heard his unforgivable words.
"I'm only saying what is true brother" he said walking a foot closer towards me
"That she's nothing but a diseased Domestic that"
"Stop it" i said as he started to circle around me
"Should rot in the dungeons as she-"
"I said stop it!" I yelled swinging a fist his way, hitting him in his perfect face, he was knocked back holding his jaw.
"You're lucky my body is still running on my last Domestic" he said
"Get out of my room before I kill you" I said shaking with anger
"You chose the wrong brother to threaten" he said about to attack

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