Mark of Domestic

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"Cain you're the oldest and you'll shall choose first" the King said to the son closest to him , Cain stood up and stepped down the stairs. He had light brown like his mother , with hazel eyes and a perfect, pampered appearance. Every footstep he took echoed in the empty throne room, my heart started to race from his reaction to my eyes. He scans the line and stopped in front of the girl to my right, with a smile that showed a fang, making  the tiny girl shake harder. Her took a rough finger and lifted her chin up to look at him. He smirk in a devilish way as he saw a single tear of fear run down her pail, dainty cheek.
"What is your name my little thing?" he said as he became closer to her face, with a intimidating smirk on his pale face.
"A-Annabelle" she said with her voice shaking as well with her body. He laughed under his breath, and in a second he latched his fangs into her neck. Annabelle screamed in pain as i heard a crunch from the sound of him aggressively breaking skin to enter into her veins, pumping with fear. He unlatched and wiped the remaining blood dripping from his mouth and licked it off after, I looked at her as an interesting mark appeared on her neck. It looks like a tribal marking with geometric designs, the most prominent design look like small daggers pointing outward of the crest.
"What d-d-did you do to me?!" she asked in her sweet voice as she grabbed the area where the intricate mark was. He laughed at her fear, he disgusted me but I couldn't do anything, I've done enough with just glaring at them.
"I branded you as my Domestic, that mark means that you belong to me and shall follow every oder I give you" he said in his cunning voice.
"Now follow me, you, as my domestic, will now and always stand behind me" He said as he turned to walk back to his small throne, out of fear she followed him like his new shadow.
"Lord! That took forever!" the sister said standing up from her throne
"Settle dear, you'll scare the little things even more" Queen Wisteria, I gritted my teeth after hearing "little things". The sister walked down, making her heel clack against the black and gold marble. She had long blond hair with a black gown that stopped at her knees. Without any thought she grabbed Samuel's neck and crunched into his neck and just like Annabelle, he had a mark, but one with tulips and tiny daggers positioned out of the stems.
"Of course Scarlet had to go straight to the guy huh?" The brother closest to her said in a cocky tone. Scarlet slapped him and sat down before he could hit her back.
"Kai go pick" King Viktor said pointing at the other Domestic and I. Kai was tall, with a slim yet strong build, his hair was brown, almost black, with green eyes that looks as if they pierced my soul, I froze. He walked down and stepped up to me  and lifted my chin up to look at him, left myself  shake from fear and how close he was. A small whimper escapes my lips as he moved his cold hand to hold my cheek.
"Hey! I want her as mine!" the last brother yelled standing up, Kai turned his head and  said in a low, threatening "you just want her for her body"
"Don't we all?! I want her!" he said in a bratty voice stomping one of his foot down
"Too late" Kai snapped turning toward me again then opened his mouth about to bite me, I shut my eyes and let out another tiny whimper, he stopped and stepped back. He looked at the old Domestics
"Can you please hand me the blade of Wriakotion Erwin?" he asked with a polite tone
"Yes Sire" Erwin said having the blade laying on his hands.
"So pathetic, you don't even drink her blood" the young brother said
"Probably because he doesn't want to catch her disgusting disease" Cain said acting as I wasn't in the room, I looked down embarrassed and about to cry. Kai ignored them and took the knife, saying thank you to Erwin, then put his hand out for me to give to him. I cautiously laid it onto his, he flipped it to show my palm and looked into my eyes.
"What's your name, little one?" he said in a calming tone
"e-Eve" I stuttered out, he took the blade and started to cut into my hand. I hissed in pain and he tightened his hold on my hand as he carved an "E" into my palm, then carved a "K" into his. He took my hand and put it on his neck, he put his bloodied hand on mine. I felt a small tingle on the area where he placed his hand . I looked at his neck as I released my hand from it and noticed that he had a mark of his own, one with a geometric rose and daggers surrounding the outside as many other shapes were in it, the blood from my hand was gone.
"W-why do you have the mark and not I?" I asked confused, he smirked
"You have it as well" he said removing his hand from my neck.
"Ugh! Can we get along with me biting the last Domestic because I'm the youngest" the younger son said, with mocking words towards the end of his rude exaggeration.
"Patience Alec, you may go" the Queen said as ALec walks down and crunched down onto the girl's neck. He, like his older sister and father, had blond hair and blue eyes with a bratty royal appearance. The mark  appeared onto her neck as a broken crown and a cracked dagger. He walked back to his throne and Erwin walked to stand behind King and Queen Bloodgood's throne. The king stood up and turned to his children.
"Now go to the library where mother Lysa is ready to teach you manners as your Domestics learn where they belong" he said and we split up and the Domestics and i were brought to the underground sleeping quarters where we sleep and nothing else, the room was cold and wet, it smell made my eyes tear. There were two small mattresses with only one large blanket per bed.
"There are four of us, where are the other two beds?" Alec's Domestic asked Erwin in a frustrated tone
"There are only two, you must share, I am truly sorry for you young ones. You supper will be served here and and you will walk up to serve your master's meal at eight o'clock sharp, if you are late they will punish you by starving, do be careful" Erwin said and walked up the hundreds of stairs.
Samuel let out a hysterical laugh and said "we're going to die", I could see in his eyes that he has already given up... we all did.

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