Chapter Three: Cave of No Return

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After we finished breakfast, Emma got into the shower to get ready. I decided to go down to the pool and hang out till she was ready. I got to the pool, sat in the Hot Tub for a bit, until I heard noises. It didn't sound human, so I hid under the hot tub water. The sound got louder as it got closer. The sound faded away after a minute. I came back up, only to see everything dead. And I knew I was in the Upside Down. I shouted for Emma, but no luck. I saw a door that said 'Exit', so I ran over to it, to only find it locked. I looked around and saw stairs, I walked up them, and there was another door. This one was unlocked. It led to a exit door, which was good. I was half way, until I heard the Demogorgon. I ran faster than I ever had, and I was praying to get to the door. I grabbed the handle, turned it, and slammed the door in front of the Demogorgon. I got out of there, and I was back in the real world. I grabbed my things, and ran back to our room. I slammed the door shut, "Drake, what's the matter?" "We need to get out of here, the Demogorgon's here." "Alright, I'll grab my things, I know a safer place than here." I got changed, put on my pull-over hoodie, and then we left.

Me and Emma spotted something in the forest. It was a foggy day, so I could barely see it. It looked like a flier, so I walked up closer. "Strange Monster Found In woods" I read aloud. "That looks like this forest, Maybe she's here." Emma said to me. "Yea, it's a possibility. Let's go it deeper." We walked deeper into the forest, and saw a cave. "Check It Out Emma, should we check it out?" "Why not, she could be hiding in there." We walked into the cave, I found a big stick, so I used my lighter on it to make a torch. And it worked perfectly. There was a big drop, but water was below. "Stay Back a bit, dont Want To fall in it." I told Emma. I heard a weird noise behind Emma, which didn't sound human. "Emma, please tell me that was you." "It wasn't." We turned around, and saw something, it wasn't the Demogorgon, it was even worse. It growled and we stepped too far back, and ended up falling. Emma was screaming on the way down. "Emma, grab onto me quickly!" I grabbed her and held her tightly. We landed into the water unharmed. Emma got to the surface before me, but I felt weird. I got a vision of where Eleven could be. I could hear Emma's shouting, but it started fading. My vision was getting blurry, and everything went black.

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