Chapter Eleven: Lost at Sea (PT1)

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"DrAaAaAaAkE..." "Drake, Drake." I woke up to Emma shaking my arm. "Hey, dinners ready if you're hungry." Emma said. "Really? Awesome, I'm starving." I Said. As I put my feet on the warm wool carpet, pain shot up my leg. "Ow, crap." I said under my breath. "What's wrong?" Emma asked. "Oh, it's just my knee, still hurts a bit." I Said. "Where's Eleven?" I asked. "Oh she went to get some stuff from the Villages Farm. She'll be back any second." Emma said. Emma was just finishing up setting the table, as soon as Eleven came back. "Got some crops. Should last us a bit." Eleven Said. "Ah, Eleven, dinner just started." Emma said. We all got settled down, and ate dinner. Emma was talking to Eleven about something, I couldn't tell, I was thinking about the thing I saw yesterday. Emma and Elevens voice faded out as I thought more. "DrAaAaAaKe..." "Drake, Drake!" "Huh?" "Don't you agree?" Emma asked. "Huh oh, um...yeah, I do." I said. "I think a trip to a island would be fun!" Emma said. "We'll have to wait till this storm is over though." Emma said. "Wait, we're going to an island?" I asked. "Yeah! A whole three days on a tropical island, sounds like a great getaway." Emma said. "When are we going?" I Said as I ate." "Probably tomorrow. My uncle owns a boat, so I can call him and ask to borrow it." Emma said. As we finished dinner, Emma and Eleven were packing stuff we'd need. I was packing stuff for me too. Some sunglasses, a swimsuit just in case. And a few other stuff. It was a quarter past 10pm, so we decided to hit the hay. Emma was sleeping in my bed next to me, and Eleven slept in a bed beside ours. Emma and Eleven were already fast asleep. I stayed up a bit, thinking about that faceless guy Emma and Eleven said that he was "Slender Man." Was it the Demogorgons "sidekick"? Was it a whole new killer? I couldnt figure it out. I decided to just rest up. The snow quietly hitting the cottages window was peaceful, so I fell asleep quickly.

The next morning we got ready, and left the cottage. "We'll come back here when we get back." Emma said. We got to the boat dock, and the boat we were using was there, ready to go. "Alright, you guys ready? It's not too far, only three hundred and forty miles. "Hah, and you say it's not that far." I Said. Emma gave me a friendly slug on the arm. "Alright, off we go." Emma said.

We were two hundred and ten miles away, so I decided to read a bit. As I was reading, I heard a loud clap of thunder. "Oh no." I heard Eleven and Emma say. "This isn't good." I Said. As we got closer to the island, the worse the storm got. Heavy rain and giant waves filled the calm ocean. "Emma, get us the FUCK out of here!" I Said. Emma grunted, "I'm trying!" The waves got larger by the second. Our boat started filling with water. As I was getting buckets of water out of the boat, I saw a giant wave in the distance. We couldn't dodge it or react in time. The wave slammed hard onto the boat, breaking it in half. Me on one side, Emma and Eleven on the other. "Drake! Grab my hand!" Emma shouted. As I reached to grab her hand, a huge wave pelted onto me, submerging me under. Emma's shouts of my name faded, darkness filled my vision, and her voice was gone.

I heard the sounds of peaceful waves crashing on shore, and birds chirping. I felt the heat of the suns rays, beaming onto my skin. My eyes opened slowly, baby blue skies, blanket white clouds. I slowly got to my knees, and then my feet. I searched everywhere for Emma and Eleven. I shouted their names, but no response. "Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck FUCK!" I shouted. "Okay, Drake. Keep it together, they're out there somewhere alive. I'll find them. Stay calm." I repeated. I saw some old Oak Logs, covered in sand. I remembered I had a lighter, so I could make a fire when it gets cold at night. I grabbed them, and some coconuts. I spelt out: SOS. Incase Emma and Eleven show. I knew I had to make a Shelter. I grabbed some bamboo, and some oak sticks. I made a small house, to stay in. As the sun set, I looked out to the ocean. "Wherever you are Emma and Eleven, stay safe." I Said to myself.
I lit the fire, sat beside it, and waited. I looked at a photo of me and Emma, and I already miss her, and her smile.

(To be continued)

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