Chapter Fourteen: Nightmares from Hell

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It was a quarter past midnight, I was still up watching TV. Emma and Eleven were asleep already, so I had the volume on low. The show I was watching ended, and I decided to head to bed. I brushed my teeth, and got into bed. The bed was so comfortable, I immediately fell asleep.

I woke up to a fresh day, sun shining, snow falling. I decided to grab some Peppermint Hot Chocolate, and get in the shower. As I was about to sit down on the couch, I heard thunder rumble, lighting up the entire sky.
I walked out the door to see what was up.
The lightning grew brighter as it went to a demon red. I couldn't move, I stood there, frozen. It formed again. The blank face, the tentacles. "DrAaAaAaKe..." "Drake, Drake!"
I woke up, sweat on my forehead, heart beating on my chest. "Drake? What's wrong?" Emma whispered. "Sorry, just a nightmare." I Said. "Was it about him?" Emma asked. "Yeah, red lightning everywhere, then his face showed up." I explained. "If he's inside your dreams, then it might mean he's looking for something, something we don't know about." Emma said. "I just want this thing to leave me alone." "I know, I know. Here, try going back to sleep. Remember, I'm right here." Emma said. "Thanks Emma." I Said. I laid back down, and went back to sleep.

The next morning, me and Emma had a few things to do, we had to get stuff for dinner. So we went to the nearest farm. The farm was huge, lots of crops, cornfields. We had to get corn, carrots, and some tomatoes. While Emma got the carrots and tomatoes, I went and got the corn. I went in the middle of the cornfield, since that's the best part for fresh corn. And started picking some out.
"DrAaAaAaKe..." I heard. "DrAaAaAaKe..."
I looked around, looking for the voice, but nothing was there. The sky grew a dark gray, red lightning everywhere. The face formed again, and he reappeared. I ran as fast as I could, out of the cornfield. Emma was no where to be seen. I shouted her name, but no luck. "DrAaAaAaKe...Drake...Drake! Wake up!" I was being shaken on the shoulder. "Hey, You Alright?" Emma asked. "Wait, what happened?" I asked. "I don't know, I came in looking for you since I was done, and I found you laying on the ground." Emma said. "These dreams are getting worse." I Said. "Here, let me help you up." Emma said. As soon as I stood up, I immediately fell back down. "Ow shit." I Said in pain. I looked down at my leg, and I noticed I cut it. "Here, put your arm around me. I'll patch you up when we get home. Here, hand me those." Emma said. "Oh right, here you go. I picked out really good ones." I Said. "Thanks Drake." Emma said. "Here, cmon, let's get you home." Emma said.

When we got back, Emma helped me sit on the bed, so she could patch my leg up. "I won't use that spray I used last time, I'll just use soap and water. That okay?" Emma asked. "Yeah, that's okay, it won't hurt that much then." I Said.
She patched my cut up, and I could walk again. "Better?" Emma asked. "Yeah, a lot. Thanks." I Said. "No problem. Wanna help make dinner?" Emma asked. "Sure, I don't have anything to do anyway." I Said chuckling.

After we made dinner, we sat down and ate.
Emma and Eleven were talking about girl stuff, But I was thinking about that thing. As I thought about it, by head started hurting like someone whacked it with a baseball bat. I put my hand on my head, rubbing it to get rid of the pain. "Drake? You alright?" Emma asked me concerned. "It's nothing, just a headache." I lied. "It's about him, right?" Emma asked. "Maybe, I don't know though." I Said.

After dinner, I went outside, to look at the falling snow, and the Northern Lights.
"It's beautiful isn't it?" Emma said. "Yeah, It sure is. Never seen anything like it." I said.
"Wanna Head in For Bed?" Emma asked. "Yeah sure, I'm tired." I Said laughing.
We got into bed, and turned the light off.
Emma put her arm around me, and we fell asleep.

I woke up to the sound of something banging.
I got up to look, and he was outside. Slender, next to the Demogorgon. The door opened by itself, and I couldn't move. He walked in, and his tentacles wrapped around me. He screamed a loud bloodymurder scream, which jolted me awake. I was breathing heavily, heart pounding. Emma was still fast asleep, so I got up to wipe off my face. I got a washcloth, and wiped off my face. "DrAaAaAaKe......" I turned around, and he jumped out at me. I jolted awake again, heart pounding again, breathing heavy. I looked around, Eleven and Emma were asleep. I looked at the clock, and it was only 3am. "Get the fuck out of my head!" I said under my breath. I got out of the bed, and looked outside. It was a quiet, snowy night.
I shook my head, and stared out the window.
But then, I saw something glowing. In the forest. I wanted to know what it was, so I grabbed a hoodie, and a flashlight. And I quietly went outside. The snow crunches under my feet. I walked further in the forest, and finally got to the object. "To Drake." I read out loud. I unwrapped it, and there was a sword, made of silk silver, and blood red lines. I noticed there was a note. "Drake, use this sword to kill Slender and the Demogorgon. This sword holds of what they hate most." It Said. I looked at the sword, and smiled. "Prepare Slender And Demogorgon...Just you wait..." I Said. I walked back to the house, and saw Emma standing there wrapped in a blanket. "Drake, Where'd you go?" Emma asked. "Well, I had another nightmare, so I got up, looked out the window. And I noticed something glowing, so I went to see what it was, and it was this. It had a note and everything. Even was sent at my name." I explained. "So you're saying, this sword, can kill both of them?" Emma asked. "Exactly." I Said smiling. Emma smiled too, and nodded. "Let's kill these sons of a bitches." Emma said.

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