Chapter Seven: Watched (PT2)

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We went inside, and turned the whole store inside out. "Find her?" I asked Emma. "No, you?" "Nada zip." I replied.
"Lets just grab some stuff." Emma said.
We went to look at Ramen, which is the easiest to cook. As we were picking some out, employees were shouting bloody murder. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THA-" One of them shouted. I peered around the corner, to see the Demogorgon, and those weird people that we caved in. "There they are." One of them said. "Emma, run. I'll catch up. Go hide."  I told her. "Drake, be really careful!" She said as she ran to hide.
I pulled my gun out, and started shooting. I killed three of his men, but I didn't kill the one causing all this.
"Well well, Drake. You killed some of my men. You know what that means." "Means that you will fuck off?" "Hahah, not even close." The guy pointed his gun at me, I tried to shoot, but my gun ran out. I closed my eyes, so I didn't see him shoot me, until I heard his grunting. I opened my eyes, and Eleven was there, fighting him off.
"Eleven, where'd you come from!?" I said shocked. "Oh you know, I was just hangin about." Eleven fought the guy off, and he ran off. "ILL RETURN!" He said as he was running away. "And that's that." Eleven said. "Where were you all this time?" I asked. "Well, two years ago, after I killed off the Demogorgon, i came over to this part of town. I was in hiding last year, and I tried finding you. But they found me first." She told me. "But who is that guy? That wants to kill me?" "Oh, that's Zack. He's such a pain. He's a monk you see, he Chants these spells. And one of them went wrong, bringing the Demogorgon back to life." She told me. "So that's why it's back." I Said shocked. "Well, we should look for Emma." "Oh right! I remember her. She's really nice." "Yeah, me and her are very close friends."

We went looking for Emma, couldn't find her. Then we looked in the Toilet Paper aisle, and I saw one of the bags shuffle. I pulled it down, and there she was. "Jesus Drake! You scared me." "Oh, sorry heh." "Eleven! There you are! Where've you been!?" Emma said as she hugged her. "Long story, I'll tell you about it later. I need to figure out where I'm gonna sleep tonight." "Oh you can live with us, we're staying at a hotel for a while, if you'd like to." "That would be awesome. Thanks Drake."

Back at the hotel, we sorted Eleven in, and got her comfortable. She explained what happened to Emma afterwards. "Wow, I feel really bad." Emma replied.
"Yea, The past two years have been a pain." Eleven Said. It was close to midnight, and I felt like going to the pool. "You guys wanna go to the pool downstairs? It's heated." "Oh that would be fun!" Eleven Said. "Im in." Emma said.

We got ready, and we went down to the pool. We hung out in theWater Playground for a while, and chatted.

After the pool, we came back up, got showers, and I ordered room service. Emma wanted Chili, Eleven wanted Steak, and I got Mac and Cheese.

We waited for it to arrive, I looked out the window at the snowfall, and I saw something in the woods. It was tall, and wearing a black suit. "Hey guys, do you see that?" I Said. Emma and Eleven came over to see, "See what?" both of them said. "You guys don't see tha-" I said, but it was gone. "How Though?" "What did it look like?" They said. "It was tall, and wearing a black suit." I Said. "Wait, you're talking about, The Slender Man?" Emma replied. "That's what that thing was?" I Said. "That thing kidnaps people, and takes them somewhere nobody knows." Eleven told me. "We'll check out the forest tomorrow." Emma told me as she put her hand on my shoulder. Room Service Arrived, we all ate, them went to bed. I kept thinking about that thing out there. Abducting people? No face? The words kept swirling around my mind, as I fell to sleep.

Stranger Things: Demogorgons Return (COMPLETED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang