Chapter Four: Captured

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Emma's voice was echoing through, all I could see was thick white smoke spinning around. Emma's voice was getting louder, and clearer. The fog faded, and my eyes slowly opened.
"Drake! Are you alright?" Emma asked me worried. "Yeah, I think so, I don't know what exactly happened. Where are we?" "We're still in the cave, but deeper down." "Great, how are we gonna get out of here?" "I'm not sure."
I saw a flashing light, coming from further down in the cave. "Hey, do you see that Emma?" "Yeah. What is it?" "Not Sure, stay close." I could hear strange chants, that sounded like Monks. It grew louder and louder as we got closer. There was a weird room, with hooded figures in it. They were saying this, weird chant. "What do you think they're doing?" I whispered to Emma. "I'm not sure, it doesn't sound too good." "I GOT THEM BOSS!" "Hey! Get the fuck off us you asshole!" "Let go of her you idiot!" One of them grabbed us from behind. We struggled trying to get free, but no use. "Bring them to me" one of them said. "What do you two kids think you're doing here?" "We fell down here, and we can't find a way out." "Oh, I have a way out, it's painful, but it'll get you two out.  You, Sam, give me that knife." "You're going to KILL us!?" Emma yelled. "Oh yes, you've seen too much for us to let you go, you could go to the police or swat." I saw a grapple hook, that would be useful. I head pointed Emma my idea, and she agreed. I elbowed the guy holding us, and I kicked the other in the shin to free Emma. "Go! I'll be right out!" "STOP THEM YOU IDIOTS!" I grabbed the grapple, and ran out. Emma was standing where we needed to go to get out. I shot the grapple to a tree root, and it hooked on. "Hold on tight." We flew up, and got out of the cave, and smashed the grapple hook.
"YOU IDIOTS LET THEM ESCAPE!" "Sorry boss." "SAM YOU'RE A FUCKING IDIOT!" We heard their shouts echoing out, but we didn't stop running. I shot my gun at rocks, and the whole thing caved in. "You alright Emma?" "Yea, You?" "Tired, and sore." "Let's head back to the Hotel, I'm done for today hah." "Yea, me too."

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