Chapter Nine: Haunted Village (PT1)

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I awoke to the sun beaming into my eyes. Emma was already up packing, and Eleven was helping her. I stretched my arms and got up. "Good morning Drake, how'd you sleep?" Emma asked me. "Pretty good, no interruptions heh." "We're almost done packing, wanna help?" "Yea sure." I helped pack, I packed the sleeping bags, the food, and everything else.

"Alright, we're ready, Drake, you good?" Emma asked. "Yep, just got the last of my things." I replied. We left the cave, and headed towards the village. The rocky path on the mountain crunched as I walked. An hour went by, and we were half way there. I heard a lightning crash, and it started to rain.
"Ah, shit." I Said. "There's a cabin we can stay in till this storm passes." Emma said. We headed for the cabin, we went inside, and dropped our stuff onto the bed. "Sure is Cozy." I Said. "Me and my parents always stayed here when we went hiking." Emma told me. "We still do sometimes." I threw myself onto a bed, and let out a big sigh. "I hope that faceless guy doesn't come here." I Said. "I don't think he will. I hope." Eleven said.

Two hours passed, and the storm didn't weaken. I decided to take a rest, so I grabbed a blanket and went to sleep.

"DrAaAaAaKe...." I woke up to the sound of my name being whispered. Emma and Eleven weren't in the cabin, so I got up and looked for them. The rain stopped, so it was a cold cloudy day. "Emma? Eleven?" I shouted. Where could they be? I decided to just wait in the cabin till they got back, until I heard it again. The babies cry, it was coming from everywhere. I turned around In circles, and couldn't tell where it was coming from. I heard a loud thud. I turned around, and saw it again. The faceless face, with huge tentacles behind it. It was getting closer, I couldn't move or even speak.
"DrAaAaAaAkE..." "Drake, Drake!" I woke up to see Emma, shaking my shoulder. "Huh?" I croaked out. "The rain stopped, we're gonna continue to the Village." Emma said. "Oh, alright." I Said. I was drenched with sweat, what does that thing want? Does it want to kill me? I couldn't think of a reason. I decided to go into the bathroom and clean up. It had a shower so I took a quick wash. I started washing my hair and face. I grabbed my towel to dry my face. "DrAaAaAaAkE..." "Drake? We're gonna leave in a few, so finish up!" I heard Emma say. "Oh, alright I'm almost done!" I shouted back so she could hear me. I got dried off and got dressed. I looked at myself in the mirror. "I must be losing it." I whispered to myself. I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my stuff. "Ready Drake?" Emma asked. "Yep, all good to go."
It was a Freezing 25 degrees, so I wore a even thicker hoodie. "We should be there in a few miles." Emma told me and Eleven. "DrAaAaAaAkE..." "Drake, Drake?" Emma asked concerned. "Huh?" I Said. "You Alright?" Emma asked. "Oh yeah, I just...didn't sleep well last night." I lied. We were almost to the village, my shoulders were getting sore from my backpack. "There It is." Emma said. "Wow." Me and Eleven Said. "It's got big mountains by it, a campfire area. It's perfect. I'll get us a cottage." Emma said. After we got a cottage, I decided to go outside for a bit, and explore. This village was amazing, it had everything a person could dream of. Waterfalls, nearby caves, everything. I decided to check out the waterfalls. I sat on a stone, and relaxed. "DraAaAaKe..." Everything went rotten again, the sky went to a dark gray, lightning everywhere. It formed into the faceless face with huge tentacles again. This time, only closer to me...


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