little things ; 1

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love is a big word, and i don't think i'm ready to use it yet.


It was the last day of the school year, and everyone was itching to get out of this God forsaken classroom. My eyes darted from my exam sheet to the clock on the wall, counting down mentally as the hands moved ever so slowly. It felt almost like whenever I'd look at the clock the hands would move slower, pushing summer farther and farther away. The only noise that could be heard was the scratching of pens and pencils on paper, my fellow students writing away, whilst I stared at the clock on the wall, waiting second by second for summer.

It felt like that final exam had lasted years and years, Ms. Breeze's loud, booming voice finally rang out as the bell chimed, "class dismissed. Leave your exam sheets on your desk, have a wonderful summer," said Ms. Breeze as the scraping of chairs rang out throughout the classroom, students pushing and shoving each other to reach the door leading to freedom.

"Lyssa! Wait for me, would you?" I chuckled lightly to myself before turning around, waiting for my best friend. He shoved through the crowd, finally managing to reach me, "you're in a hurry," he said, raising his eyebrows at me as I sped walked toward the exit.

"Course I am. I don't wanna spend another moment in this building, I didn't graduate early for nothing," I replied, jogging slightly as we approached the doors. I ran out, looking around I didn't get the feeling I expected. I got an eyeful of big, yellow buses. Not what I was expecting.

"Forget you don't have a car?" Zayn asked, chuckling slightly as I slouched, huffing as I approached the bus line. I smiled weakly at the bus driver as I boarded, taking the seat closest to the door. Zayn plopped down next to me, nudging me a bit as I stared out the window, "what?" I asked, turning my gaze to him. He rolled his eyes and huffed, laughing slightly as he looked at me. He drew a breath before beginning, "I'm going to audition for the X-Factor," he said plainly, his eyes moving from my gaze to this wall in front of us.

I sat up straight, my eyes transfixed on him, my eyebrows raised slightly, "that's amazing! I better get to come to the audition," I pointed my finger at him before leaning back against my seat. He chuckled lightly before turning his head to face me, seriousness now rested upon his delicate features, "I'm already nervous and it's weeks away," he said, his eyebrows knit together, he gazed at the wall still. I huffed and slapped his shoulder, his eyes darting from the wall to me. He furrowed his eyebrows, clutching his shoulder, "oy, what was that for?" he asked, a tone of hurt in his voice. I rolled my eyes and stared up at the ceiling for a moment before replying, "you're an amazing singer. You'll do amazing. And, don't give me that look! The judges will for sure let you through," I said encouragingly. He sighed before nodding and resuming his examination of the wall in front of us.

* * *

"Why do you always have your nose stuck in a book?" Zayn asked randomly that evening. My head popped up from my book to look at him, my eyes narrowing, "because Harry Potter is the best thing ever created," I replied, putting the book down on my bed I slid off of my bed to sit next to him on the floor. He thought for a moment before replying, "I don't know what song to sing," he said, running a hand through his hair before resting his forehead on his palm, "your favorite song is Let me Love you by Mario, correct?" I asked, looking at him as I waited expectantly for his reply. He nodded weakly before looking up from his palm, "sing Let me Love you then. Sing what makes you happy," I said, poking his arm as I spoke.

"Maybe I shouldn't even audition, I'm not good enough," said Zayn, huffing a bit before leaning back against my bed. I furrowed my eyebrows before slapping his arm, "Zayn Malik, you are good enough," I said as he sat up straight, rubbing his arm slightly. He narrowed his eyes at me before continuing to pout, sighing every few seconds. I rolled my eyes before standing up and putting my hands on my hips, "come on, we're going on a walk," I said, reaching my hand out to Zayn. He huffed before taking my hand in his, I pulled him up off of the ground before opening my door for him.

We were silent as we walked, the only sound heard was the soft rustling of branches off in the distance. My eyes swept across the trees that lined the dirt trail we walked down, our pace was slow and steady as we descended the slight incline. Zayn drew a deep breath before breaking the silence, "I'm gonna miss this," he said quietly, his gaze flowing slowly along the passing trees, "it's not like you're leaving forever. You'll be back, besides, you're gonna miss me most," I smiled as he chuckled a bit. He stopped laughing, a smile still spread along his face, "yea, I will miss you, idiot," he said, moving behind me a bit to tap the sole of my foot as I picked it up. He laughed as I fell forward a bit, but caught myself.

"I hate you so much," I laughed before picking up a handful of the mud I'd just stepped in. His eyes went wide before he darted down the trail, I followed after him, my hand raised in midair as we sprinted down the path, "Alyssa, we're approaching the lake, and I swear, I will toss you in the lake if you throw that mud at me," he shouted back at me as he ran. I stopped, focusing on his back, before chucking the mud. It hit him square in the back, making him stop running.

He spun around, his eyes wide, "you bitch!" he shouted before sprinting back up the hill toward me, "I'm screwed," I mumbled before scrambling around and sprinting up the hill. I sprinted full speed through the trail, continuing to gain speed as the light summer breeze whipped my hair behind me, "I swear to God I'm gonna get you back!" Zayn called from behind me, we were both sprinting at full speed. I laughed to myself before gaining more speed, exiting the woods. I turned to the left toward my house before skidding to a halt beside a trashcan. I crouched down behind it, watching as Zayn laughed to himself and continued sprinting toward my house. As he passed the trashcan I reached out and grabbed his ankle, he gave a great shriek of terror as he fell to the ground, "I'm gonna murder you!" he shouted as I stood up and continued toward my house.

I ran inside and sat casually on the couch, waiting for Zayn to turn up. Suddenly, the door opened and Zayn walked in. He looked at me and narrowed his eyes before turning around and pointing at the giant stain right in the middle of his back. I laughed hysterically for a moment or two before standing up, "I'll get you one of Jonathan's shirts, I'll be back," I laughed before jogging up the stairs.

After grabbing a grey T-shirt, I skipped down the steps and handed the shirt to Zayn. He glared at me before changing shirts, he chucked the dirty one at me. I scoffed as I caught it, narrowing my eyes at him, "I don't wanna wash your dirty clothes!" I said, placing a hand on my hip as I spoke. Zayn raised his eyebrows and shrugged before plopping down on the couch. I rolled my eyes and huffed before whirling around and jogging back upstairs.

* * *

Zayn and I sat in my front lawn, staring up at the stars, deep in thought. It was awfully silent as we sat there in our own little worlds. I swallowed before breaking the silence, "I've missed summer nights," I said randomly. Zayn glanced at me, his eyebrows knit together, before looking back up at the stars. He cleared his throat before answering, "me too," he said. We sat there in silence for a few more moments before I spoke again, "it's gonna be weird, ya know? We've spent every day together for the past eleven years and all of the sudden you're just gonna leave for months. I'm gonna miss you, ya know," I said, stretching my legs out in front of me as I finished.

Zayn thought for a minute before replying, "I'll miss you too, but I'll still see you. You can come to the shows and see me afterwards. It won't be so bad," he said. I shrugged, staring up at the sky dotted with stars as I thought, "I guess it'll be cool to say my best friend is famous. Think about, maybe someday Zayn Malik will be a household name," I said, turning my gaze to him once I'd finished. He chuckled slightly before leaning back against his elbows, turning his gaze to meet mine, "I seriously doubt that," he laughed. I smiled slightly, "you never know," I shrugged. Zayn raised his eyebrows in agreement as I finished.

"Alright, it's getting late, I should probably get home before my mother murders me. If I don't turn up at your house tomorrow morning, just know my mother either killed me or I was seriously injured," he said as he jumped up, beginning to walk down the driveway, "goodnight, Zayn," I laughed, standing up as well before I started toward my porch.

"Night, Al," Zayn called back as I closed my door.

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