little things;10

16 1 1

Months passed. The boys finished their tour, and everything was great. Violet, the boys and I are currently renting an apartment together. It's been cramped, but it's been loads of fun. Every night we do anything from taking a walk around the city, to playing board games, to just cuddling up and watching films until the wee hours of the morning. 

Life is great.

* * *


I flick through the clothing on the rack, Zayn and I decided last minute to go look through the thrift stores in town. Zayn was just on the other side of the tall rack, browsing through the men's clothes. I turned the corner to tell him I'm ready to go when he is, when I trip over on of the wheels. I fall to the ground, a small "oof" leaving my mouth as I land on the hard floor. I open my eyes to see Zayn's feet just a few inches from my eyes. "What're you doing down there?" He asks, reaching down to help me up.

We exit the store laughing, halfway down the road, it begins to rain. And no, it's not just raining. It's pouring.

"Ah!" I exclaim, pulling my hood up over my head. I go to start running back toward the apartment, but Zayn grabs my hand and pulls me back to him. He laces our fingers together and places a hand on my waist, beginning to slowly step over the sidewalk. I grin, following his lead. I step on his toes quite a lot, but he just simply laughs it off.

He ends the dance by twirling my into a dip, bringing me back up to my feet. "Okay, let's go," He says, grabbing my hand, we begin running back to the apartment.

* * *


I enter the large apartment.

Violet and Niall had their own place, and the other boys now live on their own. 

"Zayn?" I call, shaking my coat off and hanging it by the door. "I'm in the graffiti room, babe," He calls back. I walk to the graffiti room, and frown when I find the lights down. I enter the room and flip the switch, the room lights up, revealing writing on the largest wall of the room,


                                            WILL YOU MARRY ME?

I gasp, my vision blurring with tears. I turn around to find Zayn on one knee, a beautiful ring sat in a velvet box clutched in his hand, a wide smile spread across his face. A tear escapes the corner of my eye as I draw a shaky breath, my hands covering my mouth. "Yes - yes, I do - wait - I'm not supposed to say that yet," I say, holding my left hand out. He chuckles, placing the ring on my ring finger, he stands up.

He pulls me into his chest, catching me in a short, sweet kiss.

"I love you," He says, kissing my forehead before I bury my face in his chest. I inhale deeply, tears still escaping the corners of my eyes,

"I love you too."

* * *


"Okay, I don't know where to start - okay. I remember the day I met you, Alyssa. Oh, and you, Zayn, you were there too. I was working at an ice cream parlor. It was one of my first days, and these two kids came in, they couldn't have been much older than me. They ordered, and I almost dropped their ice creams while I was bringing them to them. Little did I know, all these years later, I'd be making this speech for them, for their marriage, for their future together. It was the hardest thing keeping it from you, Al, that he was gonna propose - it actually almost slipped a few times," Violet says, my vision blurring with tears as I chuckled along with everyone else.

She continues, "I'm so happy to be able to be here as your Maid of Honor today, here with friends and family, here to celebrate you two and your future life together. I love both of you so much, and congratulations on your marriage. Remember to give my nieces and nephews soon. I want to be an Aunt," She finishes, raising her glass for a toast. Everyone raises their glasses, taking a small sip, before Louis walks up to microphone next, him being the Best Man.

"Ah, where do I start, chaps? Ah, right, I'm older than you. Both of you. Why are you guys getting married first? Why am I still single? Anyway. I'm here to congratulate you on your marriage, not complain about my non-existent love life. I'm beyond happy to see you two getting married, promising to live the rest of your lives together. It brings a tear to the eye. I got to see your relationship blossom before my eyes, I got to not only watch you grow as a couple, but grow together. I always knew you were going to end up married, I called it from the beginning. I love both of you an insane amount, and I can't wait to continue you to watch you grow together," Louis says into the microphone. The tears continue to leak out of my eyes, a wide smile spread across my face.

He continues, "You've always had my vote, and will always have my support. I love you guys very much. To married life," He finishes, raising his glass.

* * *


"ZAYN!" I scream, running out of the bathroom. He turns around from the stove, where he was cooking breakfast. He catches sight of the white stick in my hand, an eyebrow raises. 

"Am I going to-" He asks, a smile already appearing on his face. I smile widely, a small tear trickling down my face. I nod, lunging forward, I wrap my arms around his neck. "Congratulations to us," I whisper into his ear, earning a small chuckle from him. I pull away, gently pecking his lips.

* * *


The last few weeks neither of us have gotten more than three hours of sleep. 

Just as both of us were about the drift to sleep, little baby Emileah began crying again. I sigh, beginning to get up, Zayn stops me. "I'll get her," He says, beginning to get up, but I stop him, "Honey, you've gotten her every single time since she was born. Let me." He chuckles, "See, the thing is, you carried her inside of you for nine months. I think we're about even. Either way, I'm not that tired."

I shake my head, beating him to the door.

I enter the nursery, gentle cradling Emileah in my arms, calming her down. I lay her back down, exiting to nursery, I go back to the master bedroom, where Zayn's completely crashed. "Not that tired, huh?" I whisper, laying back down, I gently kiss his cheek before getting comfortable and drifting into a deep sleep for the first time in weeks.

* * *


I gently tilt the bottle into Phoenix's mouth, staring down at my second child with loving eyes. I hear running footsteps coming down the stairs, and about ten seconds later, little Emileah appears a few feet away from me. A backpack that's bigger than her on her back, in her little private school uniform. 

A few seconds later, Zayn appears behind her, a hand rested on her shoulder. 

"Don't you guys look snazzy," I say, smiling. Emileah runs forward and wraps her arms around my waist, looking up at me. "I'm going to school like a big girl, mommy!" She says excitedly. I gently brush the fly aways out of her face, playing with her brown curls. "Are you? Wow!" I say, cupping her face with my hand. She wrinkles her nose at me. 

"Alright, we better get going," Zayn says, walking forward, he gently kisses me before picking Emileah up. I lean forward and kiss Emileah's cheek. "Bye! Have a good day!" I say, waving as Zayn begins walking toward the door. "Bye mommy! I love you!" Emily calls back. I smile, "I love you more, princess!" 

A few moments later, I hear the door close.




Are you quaking in your boot yet

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