little things;7

25 2 0

you didn't just steal a kiss or two, i think you stole my heart.


I stepped outside and took a deep breath, the fresh air cleansing. We had all been tired of the tour bus, and since we had a few nights before the next show, we'd decided to get a hotel for two nights. I stretched and yawned, my eyes grazing over the pools still surface. Suddenly, I felt someone pick me up from behind. I let out a shrill shriek of horror as I was thrown into the pool, the water chilling me to the bone. I came up, gasping for air.

I narrowed my eyes at Zayn who was cracking up by the edge of the pool, doubled over in laughter. "Alright help me out, you ass," I demanded, swimming up to the side. Still laughing, he reached his hand out for me. I quickly grabbed it and flipped him over into the pool with me. He immediately came up, gasping for breath as well.

"I can't swim!" he whined, crossing his arms over his chest. I rolled my eyes, "it's only four feet deep, dipshit." 

He narrowed his eyes at me, running over to me he picked me up and threw my over his shoulder. "Put me down!" I shrieked, laughing as he carried me around the pool. Just when I stopped shrieking, he chucked me all the way to the other side of the pool. I shot back up, "you're such a little bitch!" I screamed at him, angrily slapping my hands down on the water's not-so-still surface. We both started laughing uncontrollably again until he came back over to me and picked me up bridal style.

"Zayn," I said quietly but threateningly. I held my breath and closed my eyes, preparing for impact, but instead he sat down on his knees in the middle of the pool. I let my breath go and turned to look at him, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What color am I thinking of?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. I scrunched my face up as I tried not to laugh, "purple." He tilted my body back, dunking my head under the water. "Bitch. Orange?" I asked, looking hopefully up at him. He dropped me, meaning I'd guessed his color. "Ha!" I taunted, splashing him as I came up. 

He flipped me off as he walked up the stairs, exiting the pool. I followed him, hugging myself as I realized how cold it was outside of the pool. "Well, we're intelligent," I commented as we stood there side by side, shivering. Zayn nodded in agreement, playing with the hem of his shirt as he tried to unstick it from his skin. 

"You guys are idiots."

We whirled around to see Violet standing there with two towels in his hand, a smug look resting on her face. I scoffed before taking a towel, quietly thanking her as I wrapped it around my shoulders. Instead of wrapping his towel around his shoulders, Zayn placed his towel over me. I smiled at him, "thanks pal, but you need it more than I do." He chuckled, "I disagree," he said, looking down at me. I shot him a warning glare, taking the second towel off of my shoulders I handed it to him. He furrowed his eyebrows at me, draping it back over my shoulders. I slapped his hand and once again shook the towel off, now placing it myself over his shoulders.

He grumbled in protest, narrowing his eyes at me. "Alright, stop being a couple and dry off. We're leaving soon," said Violet before walking back into the hotel, looking rather satisfied. We nodded and dried off as quick as possible, walking back into the hotel together. We entered the hotel room together, immediately pausing our conversation as our eyes widened at the gigantic mess we'd walked into. "What happened while we were gone?" I asked, my eyes trailing off to look at the absolute wreck.

"Harry couldn't find his toothbrush so he resorted to picking everything up and throwing it to find it," said Niall, looking up at us with an apologetic look on his face. Zayn and I exchanged looks as we watched Harry scrambling around the hotel room, muttering things under his breath as he searched frantically for his toothbrush. "Harry, hotels give out free toothbrushes. Just go down to the lobby and ask or a few since they're only good for one use," I said, taking a small step forward. 

little things ; z.mWhere stories live. Discover now