Chapter 2: Nakama

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The next day I wake up to Astral snoring loudly. Believe me wolves are so fucking loud when they sleep. "Geez she's back at it." I hear Akira growl and I start laughing really, really hard.

"You two are such an old married couple." I say teasingly and he glares at me.

"Girl who are you?" Porlyuscia asks taken aback by the relationship that I have with Astral and Akira.

"I'm a Beast Summoner, Miss Porlyuscia. Akira and Astral were one of my first contracts. I consider them my nakama. They may not think of me that way, and whatever they think is completely up to them."

"You're a different type of human. Anyways, she should be waking up soon, Lord knows she needs too."

"Amen." Can't say I disagree with them. Astral finally wakes up at about noon and all of us sigh relieved.

"Thank you for calling us your nakama, we both think of you as our nakama." Astral tells me and I smile, tearing up a little.

"We've both agreed that if the other clans agree to it, you'll become one of us, able to call upon any of us at any time." Akira explains quietly, and I scratch the top of my head freaking out.

"Do you agree?" Astral asks and I reply "YES! I never thought we'd get this close."

"You're becoming one of them."

"Yes, I only hope to do this one day with all my contracts except for my dragon one, I don't wish to become a Dragonslayer."

"You made a contract with a dragon?!"

"Haha, of course I did. He was so amused by my weirdness, he doesn't come a lot, but every once in awhile he will."

"Which dragon?"

"Chardon, The Dark Dragon."

"Ha, that does sound like Chardon." Porlyuscia says and I tilt my head curiously.

"I met him once, felt like I knew him my whole life." She says and I nod.

"It's nice to know that most dragons aren't like Acnologia."

"How do you know about Acnologia?"

"I met him once on a mission."

"He nearly killed her." Astral says like an overprotective mom. I laugh, and then almost collapse.

"Sorry, our time's up love. We will let you know what happens with the clans."

"I'll see you later."

"There she is." Gray says hugging me.


"Erza said you saved her ass back there, showing up at just the right time to keep her from facing Jose." Natsu says as people storm in.

"Porlyuscia I am so sorry. Cmon guys lets leave the poor woman alone." I say herding them out. Porlyuscia nods towards me. I hang back for a second.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anybody about the contract." I say and she nods.

"Are you comin'? Natsu yells at me and I run and catch up to them, before collapsing from exhaustion. Gray catches me and I fall asleep. I wake up to find myself in my apartment and tucked in. I smell something delicious and get up drifting to it.

"Oh you're awake. That's good." Gray says in his boxers as per usual. I smile as he puts down some great looking curry. Fuck yeah, his curry is literally my favorite.

"Thanks!" I say grinning and wolfing it down. He chuckles patting my head. I rub my eyes exhausted.

"Why are you so tired you're normally the boisterous one after a big fight."

"Astral was drained by Aria, and I owed it to her and Akira to keep them both overnight. and for another half day, that's why I just need some sleep and relaxation for like 3-4 days."

"So basically keep Natsu and Erza from barging as per usual." Gray says chuckling. I nod smiling again. Honestly since Laxus became a monster Gray had really become my best friend. I even share an apartment with him. I almost envy his future wife, she'll be a very lucky woman. He even cooks for me sometimes like just now. I summon my old basset hound companion, Simon. I hug him and say "I missed you!" He wags his tail and licks me, then we meander on back to my bed and snuggle together sleeping. Simon was actually my very first contract. He didn't really understand at the time, but he knew that he'd always have a snuggle buddy, and that I would never ask him to fight. He's literally the sweetest thing in the world because he helped me cheer up after all that bullshit with Laxus.

"I see that Simon's still kicking." Gray says as he sees us curled up together.

"Well he's a magic dog, not powerful but he lives much longer than an ordinary doggie, although he is getting up in years isn't he?"

"Oi, I'm not that old. I won't die in your lifetime at least." Simon says with his accent, sounding completely outraged. I burst out laughing, hearing the old dog talk relaxes me more than anything.

"What'd he say."

I hold my nose up in a dignified way "Oi, I'm not that old. I won't die in your lifetime at least." I say butchering his accent. Simon glares at me as Gray laughs.

"Will you summon my old friend Rutger?" Simon asks.

"No way, not when I'm this pooped from keeping Astral and Akira here for a night and a half! You and Rutger will keep me up all day."

"Fine then I'm going back."

"But-but-but" I stutter as he disappears, I huff loudly.

"That old coot is getting more stubborn in his old age!" I exclaim and Gray laughs his ass off. I summon Caroline a Bernese Mountain dog.

"It's been so long!" Caroline says licking me. I hug her and we snuggle falling asleep.

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