Chapter 3: Laxus Appears

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"So this fragile person is the amazing Beast Summoner? What are you still doing in bed?" I hear a familiar voice say.

"Laxus what are you doing here? Gray forbid you from coming here."

"Like I'd listen to that weakling, come with me on a mission."

"What do you really want Laxus?" I ask holding my knives up angrily.

"Just come with me." He says looking down on me. I glare at him and he chuckles a bit manically. His rebellious tendencies have made him scarier than usual lately. "There's something that you might want a contract with if you come with me."

"What is it?"

"The Snow Leopard." Of course he tempts me with a really cool animal. I've also heard from Akira that the Snow Leopard King is interested in me.

"Let's go." I say and he nods giving an amused chuckle. He hands me the flyer and I groan.

"Why are we going all the way back there?" I ask Laxus and he smirks. I run my hands through my hair scratching violently.

"I see you haven't fixed that old habit like I told you too."

"Like I'd do anything you'd tell me too." I say pissed.

"And yet you're still coming on the mission with me."

"For the king, not you." Why do I still feel safe by his side after all these years. I don't want to trust him. I shouldn't trust him, not after he left me on my own and Natsu had to come save my ass. I need a drink.

"No beer on this trip."

"What why?"

"We need to be good and sober if we're gonna take down this dark guild's army."

"A dark guild army on our own."

"No the Rajinshu will be meeting us there."

"No Laxus I'm not going, even if the Leopard king is there."

"One day. Meet me at 12:00 at the guild if you're coming tomorrow. Second floor of course."

"It changed. Anyone's allowed up there."

"Whatever." Laxus says.

"Also I wouldn't let Erza or Mirajane see you."


"What the fuck do you mean why Laxus? After that goddamn bullshit you pulled not comin' ta help Lucy."

"Anyone in this guild should be able to take care of themselves and not have someone like me being a babysitter."

"What happened to the Laxus that cared about the guild? What happened to the sweet Laxus who genuinely cared, maybe awkwardly but genuinely cared."

"He's gone, died when my dad got expelled." Laxus says turning into lightning. He leaves and I collapse crying. Ryan my black cat appears in front of me. She lets me pick her up and cry.

"Honey you need to let him go."

"I-I-I-m tryin' Ryan."

"There's too much pain there isn't there? You need to start dating Gray he'd be good for you."

"N-not with Juvia there watching over him 24/7. I don't want ta hurt anyone in the guild. It might be better for everyone if I just got out on my own for a few years or months or something."

"Hey what are you guys doing out here?" I hear Cana ask.

"Oh hey Cana." I say looking at the sky.

"What's wrong?"

"Laxus just came by. Asked me to um help him on a uh mission."

"Okay, so what's wrong?"

"I still trust him. Even after he abandoned me when I was 13. He abandoned me on a mission Cana. Natsu had to come save me from a demon who made me hallucinate. Made me hallucinate my parents beating me over and over and over before Gramps came and saved me from that house. He left me there." I say my voice cracking "And I still feel relieved when I stand next to him? What the hell's wrong with me?" She hugs me close to her and rubs my hair.

"It's okay baby girl, it's okay. He's been by your side through a lot more than that mission, it's hard to forget the rest of that."

"C-Cana he's turned into a monster. I wanna bring him back, but I feel that I need to remove myself from the guild for awhile."

"What why?"

"It wouldn't be permanent break maybe a month. I feel like I need to find myself, and whoop Laxus' ass."

"You can find yourself here."

"No I can't Cana, I feel so lost right now. And I don't want to cause any damage to the guild, because if Laxus pulls some stupid ass stunt, I don't trust myself to stay loyal to the guild."

"I feel like everyone will support whatever you decide." She says as I pet Ryan's head.

"I agree with the human."

"What'd she say?"

"She agrees with you. Hell I agree with you. Thank you Cana. I really might just take a month."

"When will you take off?"

"Probably in a week." I say and she nods. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell nobody."

"Of course love."

"Especially Gray."

"We all know you like him and Laxus but Laxus has become an asshole. Don't worry I don't think he knows." She says amused by my look. I hug her burying my face in her chest. She laughs a little and we sit there for awhile.

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