Chapter 14: Raven Tail

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For the next two months Laxus, me, and the Raijinshu train by battling anything that comes at us and sparring. Since the hickey day Laxus has kind of become a lot more dominant when it comes to make out sessions and stuff. Leaving quite a many hickeys on me and tiny scratches on his back.

"Heh you two are getting more and more like a crazed sex couple." Bickslow says to me and I blush hardcore.

"Bickslow don't tease her!" Freed says hitting him. I blush even harder when Laxus comes over to us.

"It's time." He says and I nod smirking. As soon as we get on the train I see Bickslow and Ever giving me a wink and a thumbs up and I blush once again. Laxus immediately lays his head in my lap. I start to want to play with his hair but hesitate.

"You can play with my hair you know?" Laxus says amused. I smirk looking down at him immediately messing with it. He sighs content falling asleep. He's so awesome. I summon Kyoichi a quiet cub of Reyne.

"Hi!" He says excited to see me. I put my finger to my lip looking down at Laxus. He nods and we talk quietly until a passenger screams. Laxus wakes up immediately ready to fight.

"Why is that thing on here!?" They yell at Kyoichi.

"Um can you please calm down. I'm the Beast Summoner from Fairy Tail. My friend fell asleep so I decided to summon Kyoichi to pass the time." I say calmly sighing. Things like this have happened before. "If he makes you that uncomfortable I can send him back but I'm incredibly bored."

"Is he friendly?" They ask and I nod.

"May I pet you?" They ask Kyoichi and I smile while Laxus seeing the situation over and done with goes back to sleeping on my lap. Kyoichi purrs a little bit and they sit next to him.

"I'm sorry for screaming earlier. I'm a very weak hearted person which means I could collapse when I'm stressed out. And I see a snow leopard cub on the train and immediately start panicking. I'm Liara."

"Dawne Reyes." I reply nodding. As she loves on Kyoichi. I chuckle.

"So who has the other whipped?" She asks referring to the big ass blond wall in my lap.

"Well both I guess. I mean I prefer him in control, but I get to boss him around sometimes." I say and Liara laughs a little.

"Sounds to me like you guys have a good relationship."

"Oh we do!"

"Passengers we are at the capitol Crocus. Please have a good time at the grand magic games." I tap Laxus' head waking him up.

"I'm never riding a train again. Laxus growls angrily.

"You say that every time love." I say chuckling. I send Kyoichi back and Laxus whines annoyed. We go to the meet up place where we find us, Gajeel, Mirajane, Cana, and Mystogan. Or Jellal rather. I glare at him. Laxus pats my head as Jellal explains the situation. I growl but nod. Laxus touches my sweet spot as a warning. I groan and calm down. Laxus smirks evilly and I glare at him.

"Sexually charged couple." Gajeel says crudely.

"I could say the same about you and Levy but you don't see me saying anything!" I reply. He just turns around blushing and I laugh. We get to explore the city until midnight. We have to be careful to not run into Fairy Tail team A though. We go back to the hotel at 11:30 and wait until midnight. I groan bored. I summon Raph and we start wrestling.

"Can you ever stay bored?" Laxus asks me annoyed.

"You know the answer to that." I reply. He rolls his eyes annoyed. God I love that man.

"Like I said sexually charged couple." Gajeel says and I show my claws.

"Again I could say the same thing about you and Levy." I reply. Laxus stands next to me touching my shoulder warningly. Ughhhhhhhh...... Why's he gotta be so damn sexy.

"Heh your keeper seems to be protecting me." Gajeel says chuckling. I mean he's not wrong if me and Laxus had anymore sexual frustration you could probably cut it with a knife. A labyrinth appears out of the inns all the guilds were staying in and I look curious.

"They've never done a disqualifying round." I say. "But there's so many teams that I guess it makes sense." We all grin and get through the maze fairly quickly.

"You all are the second team to get through the labyrinth." We all high five and wait for the rest of the teams.

"And now the eighth team Fairy Tail team A." The announcer yells.

"The next team we'd like to announce is the 7th team Quatro Cerberus."


"FOUR." They yell.

"Next team is Mermaid Heel an all female guild."

"Then Blue Pegasus!!!"

"Next is Lamia Scale!!!!"

"Then there's Raven Tail who became an official guild just recently."

"And the team to arrive second place FAIRY TAIL TEAM B!!" We come out and team A looks at us. I start laughing maniacally at their faces.

"I'm going to make you two follow my orders all day HAHAHAHA." I laugh.

"What!?" They exclaim as Erza talks to Jellal.

"Hehehehehe it was a bribe to get us to participate in the games. Especially me." I say grinning.

"So we're playing a game called hide today. Teams please decide on your participants."

"I'll go." Lyon says and Gray goes because of him.

"I guess I'll go." I say.

"Nalpudding of Raventail will go." And I glare immediately. I'm good without the guild that vowed to bring Fairy Tail down participating.

"Are you okay?"

"Let's just say these bastards need to be put in their place."

"Okay?" Gajeel says.

"You know about it." I say simply. He nods. Laxus looks between us confused. I shrug and go into the middle with the other contestants.

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