Chapter 5: The Ceremony

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"Now Dawne this ceremony is very old and is rarely done on wolves let alone humans."

"You are the first human to ever have gone through this little one." The shaman Nera explains "We will mark you face for the rest of your life are you okay with this?"

"Of course Nera-sensei." I say and she gives me that wolf smirk.

"You're ready to have a clan to belong to a family aren't you little one?" She asks knowingly.

"I am Nera-sensei, even though I belong to a guild with humans, it would be nice to have a home and people I truly call a family and not just nakama."

"I understand little one. Having you in our clan will be an honor. You will be a powerful ally." She says and I put my hands together in a respectful gesture. "Your ears should change as well with the magic we use, but we can't be sure with a human."

"Who will be doing the ceremony?" I ask as Ryce comes in.

"I will." Ryce says.

"Awesome!!" I say sitting with my legs crossed and my arms in the middle again.

"You will be presented to the clan of elders and will be asked some questions by them. Then you will come to me and I will mark you as one of ours with my magic. And we don't know if your ears will change like some wolves' do but you have been warned. There's something in the magic that does that sometimes." I nod and Ryce motions for us to step out of the shaman's cave.

"You are the girl they've approved? You?" An older reddish wolf asks surprised.


"Oh be open to it Arthur." An older gray wolf says.

"Fine. Come with us youngling." The red wolf says motioning for me to follow them. I follow them and we walk to a round stone circle. Older wolves sit on the high grounds. I stand in the middle of the stone and the two wolves who got me go to their places.

"You are on holy ground little one. Do you promise to serve our clan and protect us just as the humans do with their guild?"

"I do."

"Good, and we permit the power upon you to call upon any wolf of any clan at any time. Do you swear to protect your family when they need you?"

"Of course it is my honor to protect my parents and my little brothers and sister."

"Alright you may go to Ryce."

"Thank you elders." I say bowing respectfully putting my hands together. I leave the stone and find Ryce waiting for me with the whole clan ready to watch.

"Dedication of the Moon!" Ryce says as he gathers magic energy. I find myself being lifted up and I close my eyes as something pricks my face. I feel my body changing, ears moving to the top of my head. When I am set down I open my eyes and have to adjust to the light intake. So Nera explained that only a wolf close to the one going through the ceremony can do the ceremony. That's why she didn't do it. I blink quite a few times taking in new colors and lights that I've never seen before.

"Ryce am I supposed to be able to see more than I did before?"

"I couldn't tell you, but your eyes and ears have changed."

"As well as my nose." I say breathing in new scents. I can smell the dirt of the earth and hear my siblings talking, one of which is running to find his uncle. I keep breathing enjoying the smells.

"I'll do whatever else I need to do later Ryce I have a sibling to find." I say and he nods. I listen and try to fog out all of the white noise to focus on Shutaru's voice.

"Uncle don't leave just because of her." I drop off the rock I'm on and begin to run quickly. I manage to catch the two on the very outskirts of our territory. I look down at Shutaru and he looks down almost ashamed.

"Don't be Shutaru."

"Tundra what is your issue with humans? What did we do to you?"

"You tortured me for years. Do you see all of these scars? It's because of you humans."

"Look at me Tundra, not all humans are the same as those. And I will find those people, no animal, no human deserves what happened to you." I say angrily as I see Tundra's scars all over his body. All over, they don't look like they were from fighting either, they look like someone dragged him about forcing him to do anything they wanted. It almost reminds me of Duke Everloo. That man did shit like that too often.

"Their name was Peronell. Emerald Peronell." Tundra says and my mind flashes back to very specific people. I sit fighting a panic attack. A very, very large panic attack.

"Y-y-y-ou were t-t-that wolf." I say.

"There was one human that showed me compassion. A little white haired girl set me free, even while her so-called friends tried to hurt me. She's the only human I'll ever consider my nakama."

That's when I remember my friend at the time beating this beautiful wolf, I couldn't standby and watch them hurt him. I had blocked him with my body managing to stop them, the wolf had gotten away after they left. I let it free, Tundra looked much younger then but he could be that wolf. My "friends" hurt me for weeks after that. They hurt me so much, but I was happy the wolf was able to leave.

"You don't look like that young one, from back then."

"Well I wouldn't be remembering them hurting me for weeks after helping you now would I?"

"Heh I'm surprised to see you again youngling."

"What happened uncle?"

"Her "friends" hurt me when I was younger. She found out and let me go." Tundra says and Shutaru looks between us. I nod and Shutaru nods. We head back to the clan and Akira walks up to us.

"How'd you get these two to come back?"

"Long story." I say smiling and he gives a wolf's version of a shrug.

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