[THREE - Are You Crazy?!]

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'Preston's been here, all this time-'
'And you never told us?!'

Harry grinned apologetically at the younger boys, not at all put off by the fact that Kenny had only spoken to yell at him 'Yeah... Sorry guys, but it was under Simon and Josh's orders not to tell anybody. Also, I don't think he really wanted to see you guys; Not in a bad way or anything! He was - Gods, how do I put this,' The blond narrowed his eyes at the ceiling, hands in his pockets, before letting out a quiet sigh, 'He was hurt, and afraid.'
'He was taken from his home, he believes his friends forgot all about him, he lost all hybrid abilities after passing through the barrier-' Kenny's eyes widened, and his jaw dropped in surprise. 'D-Do you me-mean he's not a h-hy-hybrid anymore?' The blond stuttered, causing for Harry to nod and wave at somebody in the room to his left 'Yo, Preston, you want to come out?'

There was a silence, but Harry raised an eyebrow before walking into the room. Soft mutters wafted through the door, before a loud groan of exasperation and an unfamiliar figure stepping into the hallway.
'Alright Harry, I got out of the room, you happy now?' The teenager pouted, crossing his arms and glaring back into the room as the Sideman shrugged. 'Good enough, now talk to them.'
'What - No!'
'Yes. They haven't forgotten you.'
'But what if they-'
'Guys, we're standing right here' Mitch pointed out, one eyebrow raised with a slight smile on his face. Kenny on the other hand just lunged forwards, tackling the boy in a hug that nearly sent them both to the ground 'You're ok-okay!' The blond squealed happily, feeling Preston tense in his arms before he let out a quiet sigh. 'Yeah,' He spoke, eyes brimming with tears of happiness, 'Yeah, I guess I am.'


'Are you crazy?!'
'Father, I agree with Lachlan; This is practically suicide, and what for? To spy on them?' Rob yelled out in shock, arms crossed as he attempted to stare his Father down. All he ended up doing was taking a step back as Mr. Latsky returned the gesture, but at least he tried.
His Australian friend, on the other hand, tried a different approach 'Mr. Latsky, Sir, surely sending two teenagers to do this is dangerous? You've said it before, kids are more vulnerable and we have no idea what we're doing. Besides, how are you sure that we'd be reliable?'
'Because, Lachlan, you two look more human than the average hybrid'. The boys said nothing, instead gesturing to eachother's additional appendages 'Well, I'm sure Harvey can sort something out for you two. I would do it myself, but I'm sure they would recognize me from five years ago.'
'Hold up a second, so you're not just sending us to any normal village,' His Son began, 'But you're sending us to the exact same village that attacked us. Do you not remember how many lives they took - Preston could have been tortured, beaten to death, or killed by a human, yet you're still sending us there?!'

Lachlan looked stricken, and judging by Robert's Dad's reaction he knew that he'd gone too far. The Camadian's entire frame was trembling, his eyes wide and pupils dilated, and his hands were anxiously running through his messy hair 'Rob, I... I forgot-'
'Save it Dad. I'll go, fine, but I just - I - don't-' Seeing how distressed his friend was growing, the youngest of the three caught ahold of his friend's arm and began to drag him out of the house, away from his Father.

'Rob, Rob, calm down, it's alright. Breathe, you're okay, I'm sure he's fine.' He muttered, walking quickly along a worn-down path as the wolf hybrid shook his head 'He's not, Preston's dead, he's never going to come back so I'll never be able-'

The blond stopped, turning his friend around to face him and gripping his shoulders tightly 'Robert Aaron Latsky, listen to me, and listen well. Preston is fine, alright? Stop panicking, it doesn't do you any good.' Lachlan scolded, a determined look in his electric blue eyes as he saw his older friend's hands shaking, 'I know you worry about him a lot, so do I, but you can't go on like this. Would Preston want you to be upset because of him?'
Rob finally stopped trembling so much, taking a deep breathe of the fresh air that surrounded them before opening his hazel eyes once more. They were less panicked, and held a look that the old Rob used to have - A childish wonder, yet one that said that he still knew what he was doing 'Thanks Lachlan, I guess I just needed to have some sense thrown back at me didn't I?'
'What can I say? I'm a great therapist.' The Australian boasted, letting go of his friend with a cheeky glint in his own eyes 'Sure you are, Lachy... I guess we should probably leave to the village soon, shouldn't we? The sooner we get there, the sooner we get back.'

His dragon-like friend nodded, his tail brushing against the dirt at his feet as he did so while Rob looked around. His gaze was caught on something colourful, seemingly out of place, and the Canadian found himself walking towards the small patch of flowers under a birch tree.
"Odd... Flowers don't usually grow around this time of year." It was, of course, nearing winter - What were such soft, delicate petals doing out there?

'Rob? C'mon, we should go and see Harvey before we go.'
'Oh, yeah, right. Let's go.'


Father, I believe he's beginning to regain control.
I've noticed that, Octavia. What do you suggest I do?
He may be part god, but so am I. Allow me to deal with him, otherwise his human side may permanently ruin him.
If this is the case, then go.

After watching his Daughter teleport away, the god grinned and turned back to the woman, who's eyes were wide as she looked around Now now, Miss, what's gotten you so concerned?
'Where is he? What did you do with my Son - He was right there!'
The child is currently unharmed, but we have close ties on his location. Don,t worry, you'll see him again soon; Whether he'll be alive is another story.
'I don't know who you are, nor do I care, but if you lay one breath on him I'll release the-'
Honestly, woman, just be quiet. Like I said, I haven't gotten my hands on him yet... But when I do, I'm sure you won't mind me telling him the truth? How you lied to him for seven years, and the day you were going to tell him, he heard you die? The blonde looked horrified, but then her arrogance took it's place as she struggled against the toughened ropes once more 'You wouldn't dare.'
Oh, would I not? I'm the god of Discord and Hellfire, Lord of the Night, do you really believe that ruining people's lives doesn't bring me joy? Either way, your precious "Son" will find out what he truly is soon enough. After all, Avery Pygott, I'm Herobrine - It's all in a day's work!


Kenny's Mum's still alive? "The plot twist many people saw coming; the sequel"

See you all in the next chapter, and have a great Morning - Afternoon - Evening - Dawn - Dusk - Midnight - Paranormal Timezone!

Memory Glitch (Book 2 in the "Glitched" Series)Where stories live. Discover now