15 ~ Lia and Sausage?

129 3 2

One week later

Nanners👀 Removed Chilled💪 from group chat.

Bryce's POV

We were all finding Anthony's death quiet hard but, we all just kinda had to live with it. We've known him all, or most, of our lives. Then he lost everything. I didn't know were ohm was so I decided to check group chat..

Ohm🎉 Delirious🎪 Mini💀 Terroriser👀 Lui🙊 Vanoss😼 Wildcat🐖 McQuaid😇 Moo😄 407😊 Basically🎇 Nogla Nanners👀 Smii7y🍼 Kryoz🔫

McQuaid😇: Anyone seen Ohm?

Delirious🎪: No sorry.

407😊: Anyone seen Marcel?

Basically🎇: Bitch, you left me at isle 4.

407😊: No I fucking didn't!

Basically🎇: Oh, nvm. I see you.

Mini💀: Boi I'm muting you loud fucks...

Wildcat🐖🐖: Same!

McQuaid😇: Someone help me find Ohm?

Nanners had read all of the messages, but didn't respond. He saw everyone of them as son as they were sent.

Vanoss😼: Yo, someone help Bryce find his fuck buddy!

Delirious🎪: its his boyfriend!

Terroriser👀: And best friend!

Moo😄: His whole world! 😍

Nanners👀: at least your best friend is still breathing..

Nanners👀 has left the chat

Ohm🎉: Sorry, I left my phone in the 3rd kitchen.

We all kinda left the chat for a while. Then we got a notification 1 hour later.

Smii7y🍼: guys where the fuck is Nanners!

Kryoz🔫: he's gone guys!

No, not again.

McQuaid😇: we will all look for him right now! Okay? DW DW!!

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