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The building was busy as I walked in with a trenta iced coffee in my hands. My eyes were still sensitive to the light as I headed across the lobby to my elevator.

"Morning, Ms. Blackwood."

I just smiled back at the young girl behind the front desk who was signing people into the building.

The elevator ride up to the 8th floor took too long. The music was terrible as something with a little bass kicked in.

When the doors finally did open, it was chaos.

Bodies were running all over the floor as pieces of clothing were flying behind them.

I stepped out into the chaos as I sipped on my drink.

A girl at the end of the hallway shouted at another to hurry toward the final room that it needed to be posted.

I walked down to her as I took another sip of my coffee. "Why are you freaking out?"

"The finals need to go out like yesterday." She glared up at me. "I mean I'm sorry your little hangover is stopping you."

"Leigh, it's not that big of a deal. And the finals aren't due until next week."

She stopped.

"I mean that's what it says right here." I flipped my phone around to her.

Leigh pushed the phone down from her face, "I really hate you."

"Get them to calm down." I said walking into my office.

Sitting on my desk with her legs crossed was the tall blonde that made everyone in the office weak, "It will only be one drink with some friends."

I ignored her as I went around to my chair checking my phone.

"But of course, you got a little more stupid than just a drink."

"Any chance either one of you can go back to your actual job?" I said smiling up at them.

Leigh pointed back at me, "I have been here since six trying to get things done while you have been where?"

I looked up at them when that sound went off around us.

The blonde narrowed her eyes, "The hell is that noise?"

Leigh glanced back at me, "Is that coming from you?"

"Seriously, you both need to leave." I said taking another sip of my drink.

The blonde grinned back at me, "You got a new ringtone. Is that the guy you were with last night?"

"Last night, listen I know nothing about last night."

The blonde smiled over at Leigh, "She forgot last night."

"Just check your phone, you always text someone about it." Leigh said leaving the office. 

The blonde glanced back down at my desk, "Have you even checked your phone?"

"I went straight home and cleaned up. I didn't feel good."

The blonde slipped down from my desk, "I can't believe you hooked up with a randomly guy last night. That is kinda not you. You always date and ask for a credit score."

"Shut the hell Mia." I shouted back at her as she went out of my office.

I sat back in my chair as a little beep echoed from my bag.

I reached down grabbing the other phone.

to the person who has my phone. please return it. i will give you a reward. 

"I'm sure the bruise on my hip was reward enough." I mumbled out to myself. 

"Hey, they want you down in accessories. They are freaking out over this pattern that they don't know you agreed on." Leigh said over the intercom.

I grinned as I got up from my desk heading out of the room with the phone still in my hand. 

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