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"Any luck?" The taller of the two asked as his silver iPhone was handed back over to him.

The shorter friend rubbed the back of his head, "What?"

"The person that has your phone. Did they talk to you?"

"Yea, I am going tonight to get my phone back."

"You are going? Do you need someone to go with?"

"No, no, god no."

The taller guy looked down at him. "Any reason as to why you don't want me to come along?"

"Yea, I will be fine."

"You don't know this person."

"I actually should just get ready for this next scene."

The taller guy narrowed his eyes, "Jensen! What the hell is going on?"

"Nothing, just don't need help with this."

"You know this person, don't you?"

Jensen turned back around to his costar, "Jared, there is nothing you need to know about."

"So just like that, you are going to exclude me from everything?"

"I don't need you up my ass about this."

Jared nodded his head back at Jensen, "Fine, good luck with this."

Jensen watched as his friend walked off before he ran back toward his trailer.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Jensen shouted as he tossed a pillow from the couch across the trailer.

"I heard you were looking for me?"

Jensen spun around to find Stephen Amell standing at the trailer door watching him. "Yea, do you have your phone?"

"Yea, but why?" Stephen pulled his phone from his pocket as he handed it over to Jensen.

"That girl last summer from that party."

"Lots of parties and lots of girls." Stephen grinned back at him.

"The brunette that Jared was with."

"She wasn't a brunette."


"She was blonde."

"Are you sure?" Jensen asked him back as he flipped the phone around. "That one, her right there."

"No, that wasn't her." Stephen closed the photo and went to another. "He was with her."

Jensen looked at the photo, "Are you sure?"

"Pretty sure, she had legs for days. But went after Padalecki like an idiot."

"Do you remember her name?"

"Yea, Mia Parker."

"No, I mean the friend, the brunette."

"The brunette was like Victoria something."


"Yea, why?"

"I just wanted to make sure."

"You know she was at the event last night." Stephen flopped down on the couch fixing his pants.

"What?" Jensen glanced back at him.

"The party last night, you know the one you got smashed at and then just vanished."

"You remember last night?"

"Yea because I didn't get stupid drunk."


"No problem."

"But you saw Victoria there?"

"Sure did, she was there all night but then left around midnight. About the same time you did." Stephen glanced up at him. "That is kinda odd."

"Nothing is odd about this."

"Really, I saw the hickeys on your neck you idiot when you came in this morning."

"Shut up."

"Wait, did you forget who you were with last night?"

Jensen went silent.

Stephen started laughing, "Bro, that is horrible."

Jensen just glared back at him.

"Wait, if you can't remember who it was. Does that mean you think you screwed Jared's girl?"

"Shut up."

Stephen sat up on the couch, "Have you talked to Jared. Maybe he knows who she is or if it is the girl he was actually with?"

"If it was the girl then do you understand what I have done?"

"Yea you got horizontal with his ex-fiance."

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