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I tossed the phone over my shoulder as it landed on the couch behind me. 

Stephen glanced over at me with his black and purple face, "What is that about?"

"Mia, she just doesn't think anything was wrong."

"That was a long time ago." Stephen pointed out.

I looked back at him.

"I'm serious Victoria, just get things to move forward."

"What about you and your face? Jared did that to you. He did that to you but you are just telling me to move forward."

"Jared fucked up, yes. But I am not about to make this worse. We all dated when we were younger but we are over that. We are really good friends. He is the one freaking out about you and Jensen."

I nodded my head back at him. "Jensen and I."

Stephen whined out in pain as he leaned back grabbing something. He turned back to me revealing the key in his hand. "Napa Valley."

"Your cabin?"

"Yes. I want you to just drive down there and have a good weekend. Just head down and leave this all behind for a week."

I leaned over taking the key from him, "Are you going to be ok?"

"I will be ok."

The key felt like freedom in my fingers as I gripped it tighter. 


Leigh paced back and forth as I walked into the room.

I stopped when I saw that we were alone.

Leigh glanced up as she shook her head, "I called her like four times. But nothing!"

"She bailed on this meeting?" I said back to her.

"I am thinking so."

"I am so sick of her. I am so sick of the bullshit." I slammed my phone down on the table as the side door was pulled open.

Mia walked through the door as I saw him behind her.

I stood back up as Leigh crossed her arms, "What the hell is going on?"

"We are going out after the meeting. I am taking him over to my office." Mia smiled back at us.

"Your office is empty." I said back to her.

"What?" Mia's smile faded.

"I told you the other day that I was done with you not showing up to work. I told you that this is our job. This is my name!" I shouted back at her.

"You act like you did this alone."

Leigh narrowed her eyes back at Mia, "She did. This is her mother's company. Her mother's name!"

Jared grabbed Mia's hand to help her.

I shook my head back at her, "Mia just get out, just leave. You can get your things from Leigh later."

"Are you sure all of her things will be there?" Jared snorted back at me.

"Get the hell out of my building!" I shouted at them as two of my security guards stepped into the room.

Leigh stepped to the side as they went over to Jared. "I will bring you your things later Mia."

Mia glared back at me, "You are really messing things up."

I nodded my head back at her, "Yea, sure whatever Mia."

Jared was pushed out of the room as Mia followed behind quietly.

Leigh turned to me confused, "What the hell was that about?"

"Stephen called me over to show me something." I unlocked my phone to show Leigh the photo.

Leigh glanced back at me, "Jared did that?"


"Have you talked to Mia?"

"No, because for some odd reason Jared is almost still coming for me for what I am guessing Jensen going after him for lying."

"Why doesn't Jared just talk to Jensen? You are just an odd fling. You mean nothing unlike Jensen. For him to not just go talk to Jensen makes me wonder about this. And now that there is evidence that Jared attacked Stephen."

I sat down in the chair as Leigh flopped down next to me. "Have you talked to Jensen today?"

"No, he is filming like all day."

Leigh leaned back in the chair, "Do you think this is about something else?"

I glanced back at her, "What?"

"Jensen and you hit it off after one night, right?"


"Jared saw you there that night with Jensen. He saw you two making out and hitting it off."

"So, he did what..."

"Got jealous. He wasn't dating Mia seriously again until like two weeks ago."

"Jealously was something he was amazing at."

Leigh kicked my chair as I turned back to her, "Don't you have keys?"

I just looked at her.

"Go get your car, drive over to the set, pick him up and fucking leave."

I grinned back at her.

"Just kept driving."

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