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hey !! did you see the reports ?


reports? what are you talking about?


did you not see about stephen?

im just waking up

whats going on with him?


someone attacked him last night

attacked him?

what the hell are you talking about



they broke into his house and attacked him

he is at the hospital with some broken ribs

and a busted up face

holy shit

why would someone wanna attack him

that makes no sense

like none at all


i dont know

but i just wanted to see if you knew about it


but im going to head over to the hospital 

and check on him



what do you mean why

stephen has been a really good friend

to us since we got here and he was working up here

so i mean why wouldnt i go see him

what the hell kinda question was that


i didnt know you were that close to her


what kinda question is that


i just was curious 

because of his past with victoria

his past?

why does he have a past with her?


they were together for a while

thats why she has that one line

that is named after him ...

i know they are friends

im not going to judge anyone over their past


you sure about that?

listen if there is something you would

like to say then just come out and fucking say it

im getting real sick of these backwards comments


just talk to her

just listen to what she wants to tell you

and then ask me about the truth

ask you?

for the past 20 minutes you have yet to admit that 

you and her dated all last summer and for the entire 

time you have pointed the finger at stephen

who is in the fucking hospital because someone 

beat the living shit out of him in his house

so before you tell me to ask you about the truth

maybe you should first start speaking the truth


you wanted to tell you that i dated her?

we didnt date

i didnt date her

you are gonna really tell me that?

victoria told me the truth

she told me that yall dated last summer


a few random dinners with a group of 

friends is not dating

maybe you need to talk to her once more

she doesnt seem like she is actually telling you the truth 

i think at this point

you arent even going to tell me the truth

and you are the one person that should 

be telling me the truth

you are my brother and you are acting like this

you are making everyone else around us

seem like they are hiding something horrible

just be honest with me and things wouldnt

be that bad like they are becoming


i dont think you really understand her

i dont think you should be going with her

when you havent been with her long enough

sober to see who she truly is

pretty sure i have been with her long enough

to know that you are a fucking lying piece of shit


have fun with that

read 7:03 am

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